原文:ResolveUrl in ASP.NET - The Perfect Solution If you are looking for ResolveUrl outside of Page/Control, and even if you are not, this is for you. Introduction/Background From my personal experience using ASP.NET, and from searching the web, I have…
Serilog.Extensions.Logging.File This package makes it a one-liner - loggerFactory.AddFile() - to configure top-quality file logging for ASP.NET Core apps. Text or JSON file output Files roll over on date; capped file size Request ids and event ids in…
本文转自:http://www.mytecbits.com/microsoft/dot-net/bootstrap-3-0-0-with-asp-net-web-forms In my earlier article, I wrote about the step by step instructions on creating ASP.NET web forms application with Bootstrap UI Framework, using Twitter Bootstrap f…
.NET && C# && ASP.NET https://docs.microsoft.com/zh-cn/dotnet/ .NET Documentation Welcome to .NET! This is the home of the technical documentation for .NET Core, C#, F# and Visual Basic, including basic concepts, getting started instructio…
原文链接 Could you be missing the loaded assembly from your configuration file? Ensure you have something similar to the following within your web.config. NuGet would normally do this but maybe it hasn't and it doesn't know what to load in <dependentAsse…
本文内容 环境 项目结构 演示自定义 ListView 显示网络上 JSON 歌曲列表 参考资料 本文最开始看的是一个国人翻译的文章,没有源代码可下载,根据文中提供的代码片段,自己新建的项目(比较可恶的是,没有图标图片资源,只能自己乱搞),但程序不是很稳定,有时能显示出列表中的缩略图,有时显示不出来,还在主线程访问了网络.但在文章评论中,作者给出英文原文链接,本来想这下没事了吧,结果下载源代码运行后,还是有问题~仔细看英文原文,原来他也是根据 Github 上一个项目搞的,只是添加了式样,以及显…
Enumerated Types Basic enum features When you create an enum, an associated class is produced for you by the compiler. This class is automatically inherited from java.lang.Enum. The ordinal( ) method produces an int indicating the declaration order o…
每一个网页设计师都希望创建出让用户能够赏识的网站.当然,这是不可能满足每个人的口味的.幸运的是,我们有最强大的工具和资源.实际上,我们非常多的网站模板,框架,内容管理系统,先进的工具和其他的资源可以使用. 这篇文章展示了使用一组使用 CSS3 制作的文本特效,快来欣赏. 您可能感兴趣的相关文章 小伙伴们惊呆了!8个超炫的 Web 效果 8个惊艳的 HTML5 和 JavaScript 特效 10大 Metro UI 风格 Bootstrap 主题 35款精致的 CSS3 和 HTML5 网页模板…
Since I am writing blog in Ubuntu which has not installed Chinese language package, this blog will be in poor English. It's terrible to run into problem or bug one by one these days. But it's lucky to have two solved today. The problem list: 1. Faile…
For a current project at WhoScored, I needed to learn JavaScript, Node.js and WebSocket channel, after seven years of writing web applications with Java and Spring framework. We wanted an application that can send data to thousands of concurrent user…