A target specifies a product to build and contains the instructions for building the product from a set of files in a project or workspace. A target defines a single product; it organizes the inputs into the build system—the source files and instruct…
创建并编译Xcode工程时,有几个常用概念想在这里记一下. Xcode Target: 定义:A target defines a single product; .... 理解:输出文件,等同于VS的Target.比如你创建一个Xcode Application工程,它的默认输出必然是一个App. Xcode Project: 定义:An Xcode project is a repository for all the files, resources, and information re…
Development Certificates:在电脑通过秘钥串生成一个私人秘钥,这就是:CertificateSigningRequest.certSigningRequest 简称CSR,团队中,不同的开发者应该都要有独自的development证书. App ID:创建的工程的唯一标 新建:Developer Member Center 使用:XcodeTarget | Info | Bundle Identifier Certificate:证书,证明app的合法性.完整性.未经纂改.…
报错一: 在iOS7的真机运行时,弹出错误:App installation failed. There was an internal API error. 如图 解决办法: 在Xcode -> Target -> Build Setting 下的Packaging部分,将Product Name 改为英文名.重新运行project,即可正常运行. 报错二:真机运行时,弹出报错信息:Could not find Developer Disk Image 原因:手机的版本高于Xcode中SDK…
报错一: 在iOS7的真机运行时,弹出错误:App installation failed. There was an internal API error. 如图 解决办法: 在Xcode -> Target -> Build Setting 下的Packaging部分,将Product Name 改为英文名.重新运行project,即可正常运行. 报错二:真机运行时,弹出报错信息:Could not find Developer Disk Image 原因:手机的版本高于Xcode中SDK…