以下三篇文章是Entity Framework Code-First系列中第七回:Entity Framework Code-First(7):Inheritance Strategy 提到的三篇.这三篇文章写的时间有点久远,还是在2010年,提到EF应该在4.1版本之前,使用的还是ObjectContext而不是现在的DbContext,内容供参考 -------------------------------------------------------------------------…
我们已经在code-first 约定一文中,已经知道了Code-First为每一个具体的类,创建数据表. 但是你可以自己利用继承设计领域类,面向对象的技术包含“has a”和“is a”的关系即,有什么,是什么,的关系,但是基于SQL关系的实体和数据表集合之前,只是有“has a ”的关系.数据库管理系统(SQL database management systems)不支持继承类型,所以,你怎么将面向对象的领域实体和关系型的数据库映射在一起呢??? 下面有三种方式,在Code-First中表现…
Link1: Give an example Note: I think the Storable::Write method should also be pure virtual. http://www.cprogramming.com/tutorial/virtual_inheritance.html Link2: explained from the vritual table point of view, Key point: as virual inheritance, compli…
Memory Layout for Multiple and Virtual Inheritance(By Edsko de Vries, January 2006)Warning. This article is rather technical and assumes a good knowledge of C++ and some assembly language.In this article we explain the object layout implemented by gc…
Inheritance with EF Code First: Part 3 – Table per Concrete Type (TPC) This is the third (and last) post in a series that explains different approaches to map an inheritance hierarchy with EF Code First. I've described these strategies in previous po…
In the previous blog post you saw that there are three different approaches to representing an inheritance hierarchy and I explained Table per Hierarchy (TPH) as the default mapping strategy in EF Code First. We argued that the disadvantages of TPH m…
Inheritance Strategy in Code-First: We have seen in the Code First Conventions section that it creates database tables for each concrete domain class. However, You can design your domain classes using inheritance. Object-oriented techniques include "…
由于工作的需要看了下Eclipse下android65535的解决方案,查了好多文档,真心的发自内心的说一句请不要再拷贝别人的博客了,害人,真害人. 接下来我说下我的实现方式,首先说下65535的最可能的触发原因(三方jar用的太多了) 首先:合并jar. 这里合并到jar使用的事ant的脚本,如何你电脑安装了ant,那ok,如果没有安装这里也不啰嗦告诉你怎么安装了,百度一下吧,安装总的来说没啥技术含量.安装ant之后配置如下脚本文件. <?xml version="1.0" e…
HandlerMapping 详解 1. 导言 万丈高楼平地起,SpringMVC的辉煌离不开每个组件的相互协作,上一章详细阐述了SpringMVC整个体系结构及实现原理,知道HandlerMapping在这个SpringMVC体系结构中有着举足轻重的地位,充当着url和Controller之间映射关系配置的角色.主要有三部分组成:HandlerMapping映射注册.根据url获取对应的处理器.拦截器注册.本文将立足于RequestMappingHandlerMapping详细阐述Handle…