insert操作卡死的处理过程 先看看insert为什么被卡死 SQL> select sql_id from v$sql where sql_text like 'delete from std_contract%'; SQL_ID ------------- 9wx6s3p84v3xw SQL> set long 9999 SQL> select sql_text from v$sql where sql_id ='9wx6s3p84v3xw'; SQL_TEXT ---------…
Home GameWorks Blog Life of a triangle - NVIDIA's logical pipeline Life of a triangle - NVIDIA's logical pipeline Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Google+ By Christoph Kubisch, posted Mar 16 2015 at 12:52PM Tags: GameWorks GameWorks Expert Developer DX12…
Using Events The Components and Classes of Ext JS fire a broad range of events at various points in their lifecycle. Events allow your code to react to changes around your application. They are a key concept within Ext JS. 在ExtJS组件和类的生命周期中,会触发许多类型的事件… Converting MyISAM to InnoDB and a lesson on variance I'm about to start working through converting a large MySQL installation to InnoDB. For the particular use case durability is desired, and with MyISAM a loss…
In the Part 1 we talked about tasks and different stages of the build lifecycle. But after I published it I realized that before we jump into Gradle specifics it is very important to understand what we are dealing with - understand its syntax and sto…