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Geometric Sum 时间限制:1000 ms  |  内存限制:65535 KB 难度:3   描述 Compute (a + a^2 + … + a^n) mod m.(a+a2+…an)mod   输入 Three integers a,n,m.(1≤a,n,m≤10^18)It ends with EOF. 输出 The only integer denotes the result. 样例输入 2 2 1000000000 样例输出 6 来源 Lepus  矩阵里也求过a+a^2…
PDF version PMF Suppose that independent trials, each having a probability $p$, $0 < p < 1$, of being a success, are performed until a success occurs. If we let $X$ equal the number of failures required, then the geometric distribution mass function…
The geometric median of a discrete set of sample points in a Euclidean space is the point minimizing the sum of distances to the sample points. This generalizes the median, which has the property of minimizing the sum of distances for one-dimensional…
C. Geometric Progression Time Limit: 2 Sec Memory Limit: 256 MB 题目连接 http://codeforces.com/contest/567/problem/C Description Polycarp loves geometric progressions very much. Since he was only three years old, he loves only the progressions of length…
sum Accepts: 640 Submissions: 1744 Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 131072/131072 K (Java/Others) Problem Description Given a sequence, you're asked whether there exists a consecutive subsequence whose sum is divisible by m. outpu…
sum Accepts: 640 Submissions: 1744 Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 131072/131072 K (Java/Others) 问题描述 给定一个数列,求是否存在连续子列和为m的倍数,存在输出YES,否则输出NO 输入描述 输入文件的第一行有一个正整数T(1≤T≤101\leq T \leq 101≤T≤10),表示数据组数. 接下去有T组数据,每组数据的第一行有两个正整数n,m (1≤n…
C. Geometric Progression time limit per test 1 second memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Polycarp loves geometric progressions very much. Since he was only three years old, he loves only the progressions o…
链接 B. Masha and geometric depression 题意 给你一个等比数列的首项和公比q,然后给出一个上限l,m个数字,在这个等比数列里,小于l且没有在m个数字里面出现过的可以写在黑板上,问最后能写在黑板上的数字有多少个 做法 坑点主要都在b1和q上,我们只需要特判掉和q=0或者=0的情况,然后用set存m个数字(可以去重),再暴力到>=l就可以了. 代码 /*set容器中count(x)返回x的数量1或0,se.find(b1) == se.end()判断b1是不是不在s…
640. 求解方程 求解一个给定的方程,将x以字符串"x=#value"的形式返回.该方程仅包含'+',' - '操作,变量 x 和其对应系数. 如果方程没有解,请返回"No solution". 如果方程有无限解,则返回"Infinite solutions". 如果方程中只有一个解,要保证返回值 x 是一个整数. 示例 1: 输入: "x+5-3+x=6+x-2" 输出: "x=2" 示例 2: 输入:…
简介 Graph Neural Networks 简称 GNN,称为图神经网络,是深度学习中近年来一个比较受关注的领域.近年来 GNN 在学术界受到的关注越来越多,与之相关的论文数量呈上升趋势,GNN 通过对信息的传递,转换和聚合实现特征的提取,类似于传统的 CNN,只是 CNN 只能处理规则的输入,如图片等输入的高.宽和通道数都是固定的,而 GNN 可以处理不规则的输入,如点云等. 可查看[GNN]万字长文带你入门 GCN. 而 PyTorch Geometric Library (简称 Py…