wifi debug command】的更多相关文章

================================================================================================================================================================ 一.WIFI connect测试(STA)1.wpa_supplicant -d -Dnl80211 -c/data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf…
debug aaa accounting through debug auto-config debug aaa accounting : to display information on accountable events as they occur(in privileged EXEC mode) no debug aaa accounting : to disable debugging output debug aaa authentication : to display info…
简介 使用 Keil debug 很方便,把内存中的一段区域 dump 出来也很方便,例如使用命令 SAVE filepath startAddr, endAddr, typeCode .但是要查看 dump 出来的内容却很不方便.因为 dump 出来的格式是 INTEL hex386 格式的,这个格式是给机器读的而不是给人读的. 例如下面是一个完成的 INTEL HEX386 格式的文件,你能看懂是什么意思吗? :10001300AC12AD13AE10AF1112002F8E0E8F0F22…
debug iapp through debug ip ftp debug iapp : to begin debugging of IAPP operations(in privileged EXEC mode) no debug iapp debug idmgr : to enable debugging for the identity manager (IDMGR)(in privileged EXEC mode) no debug idmgr debug of-mgr efp-ext…
debug eap through debug he-module subslot periodic debug eap : to display information about Extensible Authentication Protocol(EAP)(in privileged EXEC mode) no debug eap debug ecfmpal : to enable debugging of the data path of the Ethernet Connectivit…
catalog . Description . Effected Scope . Exploit Analysis . Principle Of Vulnerability . Patch Fix 1. Description Struts2框架存在一个DevMode模式,方便开发人员调试程序.如果启用该模式,攻击者可以构造特定代码导致OGNL表达式执行,以此对主机进行入侵Remote command execution and arbitrary file overwrite, Strict…
转自:https://www.blackmoreops.com/2013/10/27/how-to-increase-tx-power-signal-strength-of-wifi/ This guide contains 3 different methods to increase your TX Power or Signal Strength of your Wifi Wireless card. It also includes 2 ways to make those change…
1. 进入debug模式 # perl -d ./perl_debugger.pl it prompts, DB<1>   2. 查看从第10行开始的代码. 查看函数get_pattern的代码 DB<1> l 10 10: my $pattern; DB<2> l get_pattern 11 { 12:    my $pattern; 13:    print “Enter search string: “; 14:    chomp ($pattern = );…
http://arm-utilities.googlecode.com/svn-history/r47/trunk/stlink-download/stlink-download.c /* STLink download/debug interface for Linux. */ /* This program interacts with the STMicro USB STLink programming/debug interface for STMicro microcontroller…
Using an open debug interconnect model to simplify embedded systems design Tom Cunningham, Freescale Semiconductor AUGUST 29, 2007 Technology people are generally familiar with the Open Systems Interconnection model for computer networks and protocol…