Algorithm: dynamic programming】的更多相关文章

For example there is a staricase N = 3 | ---|   |---|    | |---|            | ---|                  | There is N = 3 staricase, for each step, you can either take {1 or 2} step at a time. So asking how many ways you can get on N = 3 step: Answer: sho…
For example we have 'a' -> 1 'b' -> 2 .. 'z' -> 26 By given "12", we can decode the string to give result "ab" or 'L', 2 ways to decode, your function should return 2 as an answer. Now asking by given "1246", what sh…
1. Longest Increasing Subsequence (LIS) problem unsorted array, calculate out the maximum length of subsequence with non-decreasing order. lis[i] = lis[j] + 1 if arr[i] > arr[j]; lis[i] is the lis with arr[i] as the last element. so to get the maximu…
For a given array, we try to find set of pair which sums up as the given target number. For example, we are given the array and target as: , , , ]; ; We should be able to find 2 pair, which sum up to 16: {,,} {,} We need to create a function to retur…
动态规划(Dynamic Programming)是求解决策过程(decision process)最优化的数学方法.它的名字和动态没有关系,是Richard Bellman为了唬人而取的. 动态规划主要用于解决包含重叠子问题的最优化问题,其基本策略是将原问题分解为相似的子问题,通过求解并保存重复子问题的解,然后逐步合并成为原问题的解.动态规划的关键是用记忆法储存重复问题的答案,避免重复求解,以空间换取时间. 用动态规划解决的经典问题有:最短路径(shortest path),0-1背包问题(K…
We began our study of algorithmic techniques with greedy algorithms, which in some sense form the most natural approach to algorithm design. Faced with a new computational problem, we've seen that it's not hard to propose multiple possible greedy alg…
作者:Dumitru 出处: An important part of given problems can be solved with the help of dynamic programming (DP for short). Being able to tackle problems of this type would greatly in…
转载请注明原创: Dynamic Programming的Programming指的不是程序而是一种表格法.我们知道,分治法将问题划分为互不相交的子问题,递归的求解子问题,再将他们组合起来,求出原问题的解.而动态规划应用于子问题重叠的情况,即不同的子问题具有公共的子子问题,在这种情况下,动态规划方法对每个子子问题只求解一次,将其解保存在一个表格中,从而无需每次求解一个子子问题时都重新计算. 动态规划方…
pid=4972" target="_blank" style="">题目链接:hdu 4972 A simple dynamic programming problem 题目大意:两支球队进行篮球比赛,每进一次球后更新比分牌,比分牌的计数方法是记录两队比分差的绝对值,每次进球的分可能是1,2,3分. 给定比赛中的计分情况.问说最后比分有多少种情况. 解题思路:分类讨论: 相邻计分为1-2或者2-1的时候,会相应有两种的的分情况 相邻计分之差大于3或… julia | source | downloads | docs | blog | community | teaching | publications | gsoc | juliacon | rss Julia is a high-level, high-performance dynamic programming language for technical computing, with syntax that is familiar to…