这是小川的第次更新,第篇原创 看题和准备 今天介绍的是LeetCode算法题中Easy级别的第268题(顺位题号是1200).给定一个由不同的整数组成的数组arr,找到所有对元素,其中任意两个元素的绝对差值都最小. 以升序返回关于配对的列表(相对于配对),每对[a,b]紧随其后: a,b来自arr a < b b-a等于arr中任何两个元素的最小绝对差 例如: 输入:arr = [4,2,1,3] 输出:[[1,2],[2,3],[3,4]] 说明:最小绝对差为1.以升序列出所有差等于1的对.…
Given a binary search tree with non-negative values, find the minimum absolute difference between values of any two nodes. Example: Input: 1 \ 3 / 2 Output: 1 Explanation: The minimum absolute difference is 1, which is the difference between 2 and 1…
Given a binary search tree with non-negative values, find the minimum absolute difference between values of any two nodes. Example: Input: 1 \ 3 / 2 Output: 1 Explanation: The minimum absolute difference is 1, which is the difference between 2 and 1…
Given a binary search tree with non-negative values, find the minimum absolute difference between values of any two nodes. Example: Input: 1 \ 3 / 2 Output: 1 Explanation: The minimum absolute difference is 1, which is the difference between 2 and 1…
作者: 负雪明烛 id: fuxuemingzhu 个人博客:http://fuxuemingzhu.cn/ 目录 题目描述 题目大意 解题方法 排序 日期 题目地址:https://leetcode.com/problems/minimum-absolute-difference/ 题目描述 Given an array of distinct integers arr, find all pairs of elements with the minimum absolute differen…
问题 该文章的最新版本已迁移至个人博客[比特飞],单击链接 https://www.byteflying.com/archives/4123 访问. 给定一个所有节点为非负值的二叉搜索树,求树中任意两节点的差的绝对值的最小值. 输入: 1     \      3     /    2 输出: 1 解释: 最小绝对差为1,其中 2 和 1 的差的绝对值为 1(或者 2 和 3). 注意: 树中至少有2个节点. Given a binary search tree with non-negativ…
题目如下: Given an array of distinct integers arr, find all pairs of elements with the minimum absolute difference of any two elements. Return a list of pairs in ascending order(with respect to pairs), each pair [a, b] follows a, b are from arr a < b b -…
原题链接在这里:https://leetcode.com/problems/minimum-absolute-difference-in-bst/#/description 题目: Given a binary search tree with non-negative values, find the minimum absolute difference between values of any two nodes. Example: Input: 1 \ 3 / 2 Output: 1…
作者: 负雪明烛 id: fuxuemingzhu 个人博客: http://fuxuemingzhu.cn/ 目录 题目描述 题目大意 解题方法 Java解法 Python解法 日期 题目地址:https://leetcode.com/problems/minimum-absolute-difference-in-bst/#/description 题目描述 Given a binary search tree with non-negative values, find the minimu…
530. Minimum Absolute Difference in BST Given a binary search tree with non-negative values, find the minimum absolute difference between values of any two nodes. Example: Input:      1     \      3     /    2   Output: 1   Explanation: The minimum a…