来由 纯粹的无聊,一直在搜索JavaScriptCore和SpiderMonkey的一些信息,却无意中学习了如何在ios的UIWebView中判断其js解析引擎的方法: if (window.devicePixelRatio) { //If WebKit browser var st = escape(navigator.javaEnabled.toString()); if (st === 'function%20javaEnabled%28%29%20%7B%20%5Bnative%20…
在利用JavaScriptCore与H5交互时出现异常提示: This application is modifying the autolayout engine from a background thread, which can lead to engine corruption and weird crashes. This will cause an exception in a future release. 从字面意思看,是因为在后台线程修改了UI,于是乎开始验证 _weak…
前阵子,Apple正式发布了新的iOS 7系统,最大最直观的改变在于界面变得小清新范了,我也提到<iOS,你真的越来越像Android了>.不过对于移动开发者来说,除了要适应Xcode 5,最应该关注的还是iOS 7在开发接口的上的变化.概览Apple提供的官方文档<What’s New in iOS>,最最让我欣喜的是iOS 7中加入了JavaScriptCore框架.该框架让Objective-C和JavaScript代码直接的交互变得更加的简单方便. 这个框架其实只是基于we…
http://www.cocoachina.com/ios/20160623/16796.html iOS 开发中,我们时不时的需要加载一些 Web 页面,一些需求使用 Web 页面来实现可以更可控,如上线后也可以发布更新,修改 UI 布局,或者修复 bug,这些 Web 页面的作用不止是展示,很大一部分是需要和原生代码实现的 UI 和业务逻辑发生交互的,那么不可避免的,就需要用一些方法来实现 Web 页面(主要是 JavaScript)和原生代码之间的通信,在 JavaScriptCore 出…
原文:http://www.bignerdranch.com/blog/javascriptcore-example/ JavaScriptCore is not a new framework; in fact, it's been lurking on Mac OS X ever since version 10.2. But with iOS 7 and Mac OS 10.9, Apple has introduced a native Objective-C API for JavaS…
原文:http://www.bignerdranch.com/blog/javascriptcore-and-ios-7/ As a rule, iOS programmers don't think much about JavaScript. We spend our days swimming in C andObjective-C, while occasionally dipping our toes into the waters of C++. But JavaScript has…
原文:https://www.infinum.co/the-capsized-eight/articles/running-javascript-in-an-ios-application-with-javascriptcore Although the JavaScriptCore framework has been officially available to iOS and Mac developers for quite some time now, its features are…
from: http://phoboslab.org/log/2011/06/javascriptcore-project-files-for-ios github: https://github.com/phoboslab/JavaScriptCore-iOS Some weeks ago I released a compiled version of the JavaScriptCore library for iOS as part of my game engine. Since th…