1. for循环语句能够被改写成(D)语句 A. 复合 B. if C. switch D. while 解析: for循环可以写成while控制循环的次数,同时也可以被改写成do while语句 2. 以下程序的输出结果是(you&me). void main () { char arr[2][4]: strcpy (arr[0],"you");strcpy (arr[1],"me"); arr[0][3]='&'; printf("%s…
链接:https://www.nowcoder.com/acm/contest/147/E 来源:牛客网 题目描述 Niuniu likes to play OSU! We simplify the game OSU to the following problem. Given n and m, there are n clicks. Each click may success or fail. For a continuous success sequence with length X,…
链接:https://www.nowcoder.com/acm/contest/145/C 来源:牛客网 题目描述 A binary string s of length N = 2n is given. You will perform the following operation n times : - Choose one of the operators AND (&), OR (|) or XOR (^). Suppose the current and s2i. For examp…
链接:https://ac.nowcoder.com/acm/problem/17385来源:牛客网 题目描述 NIBGNAUK is an odd boy and his taste is strange as well. It seems to him that a positive integer number is beautiful if and only if it is divisible by the sum of its digits. We will not argue…
牛客网华为机试题之Python解法 第1题 字符串最后一个单词的长度 a = input().split(" ") print(len(a[-1])) 第2题 计算字符个数 a = input() b = input() print(a.lower().count(b.lower())) 第3题 明明的随机数 while True: try: num = int(input()) data = [] for i in range(num): data.append(int(input(…