
关于Env的源代码如下: /** A class for environments, instances of which are passed as * arguments to tree visitors. Environments refer to important ancestors * of the subtree that's currently visited, such as the enclosing method, * the enclosing class, or the…
[joy@localhost ~]$ java -version openjdk version "1.8.0_91" OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_91-b14)OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.91-b14, mixed mode) [root@localhost joy]# javac Hello.javabash: javac: 未找到命令...相似命令是: 'java' javac提示:未…
1. cli (command line interface) and gui (graphic user interface) use javahome path, search classpath 2. java editions: j2ee(java 2 enterprise edition), j2se(java 2 standard edition), j2me(java 2 micro edition), after java5.0, rename to javaee, javase…
Setting up your development environment 1. download j2se 6 SDK from chmod 775 jdk-6u35-linux-64.bin yes | jdk-6u35-linux-64.bin mv jdk1.6.0_35 /opt ln -s /opt/jdk1.6.0_35/bin/java /us…
Environment Variable : change(import) /etc/bashrc export JAVA_HOME=/software/jdk1.8.0 export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH export CLASSPATH=.:$JAVA_HOME/lib/dt.jar:$JAVA_HOME/lib/tools.jar save and exit. Change default JDK: update-alternatives --install …
In this document Choosing a Branch    Setting up a Linux build environment        Installing the JDK        Installing required packages (Ubuntu 12.04)        Installing required packages (Ubuntu 14.04)        Installing required packages (Ubuntu 10.…
Build errors for spider; org.apache.maven.lifecycle.LifecycleExecutionException: Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:2.3.2:compile (default-compile) on project spider: Compilation failureUnable to locate the Javac Co…
原文网址: Initializing a Build Environment IN THIS DOCUMENT Choosing a Branch Setting up a Linux build environment Installing the JDK Installing required packages (Ubuntu 14.04) Installing required packag…
解决linux下javac -version和java -version版本显示不一致 [javascript] view plaincopy [root@localhost usr]# $JAVA_HOME/bin/java -version  bash: /bin/java: 没有那个文件或目录  [root@localhost java]# . /etc/profile  [root@localhost java]# . /etc/profile  [root@localhost java…
需要参考: (1)Architecture of a Java Compiler (2)关于符号Symbol第一篇 (3)关于符号Symbol第二篇 (4)关于类型Type (5)关于作用域范围Scope (6) Java语义分析阶段的一个主要工作是符号表的管理.符号表(symbol table)也称为环境(environment),其作用是将标识符映射到它们的类型和存储位置.在处理类型.变量和方法的定义时,顺便将这些标识符存储到符号表中,同时为这些标识符绑定相关的信息.每当发现标识符的使用(即…