Linux Mint由Linux Mint Team团队于2006年开始发行,是一份基于Debian和Ubuntu的Linux发行版.其目标是提供一种更完整的即刻可用体验,这包括提供浏览器插件.多媒体编解码器.对DVD播放的支持.Java和其他组件,它也增加了一套定制桌面及各种菜单,一些独特的配置工具,以及一份基于web的软件包安装界面.Linux Mint是对用户友好而功能强大的操作系统.它诞生的目的是为家庭用户和企业提供一个免费的,易用的,舒适而优雅的桌面操作系统. Linux Mint 是…
--------- /etc/default/docker.conf-----设置启动参数. /etc/init/docker.conf------------不好使(only mysql) start on (filesystem and net-device-up IFACE!=lo)--------------start on runlevel [!0123456] stop on runlevel [!2345] ----please notice gdm3 rather than gd…
参考: fatal error: Python.h: No such file or directory Ubuntu下 fatal error: Python.h: No such file or directory 解决方法 根据使用的Python版本安装python-dev库. sudo apt-get install python-dev # for python2.x installs sudo apt-get install python3-dev # for python3.x i…
导读 Linux Mint 20 将基于 Ubuntu 20.04 LTS,同时,其 LMDE(Linux Mint Debian Edition,Debian 版本)4 也将到来,LMDE 版本基于 Debian GNU/Linux,提供滚动发布,而不是像常规的 Linux Mint 基于 Ubuntu. 日前 Linux Mint 官方博客释出了关于 Linux Mint 20 与 LMDE 4 的新特性信息. LMDE 4 LMDE 4 将首先发布,基于改进的 Debian 10 软件包,…
Fix catalyst driver in Ubuntu 13.04 / 13.10(墙外文章备份) 1. Introduction I found lots of people struggling to get catalyst driver work in Ubuntu 13.04. This issue has been persistent for some laptops, ever since Ubuntu 13.04 came out, specially for Intel,…
Linux Mint基于Ubuntu Mate 桌面版据说资源占用较少 1 Win7下安装Mint双系统 Linux Mint…
While using the apt-get command or the relatively new APT package management tool in Ubuntu Linux or its derivatives such as Linux Mint (which I actually use as my primary operating system for doing daily work), you might have encountered the error –… Hello World, Ubuntu 14.04 has been released on April 17th 2014 and we already released the traditional post about how to perform a fresh install. We didn’t covered the upgrade process because it’s quite easy nowadays. B…
海外ubuntu,lamp,ftp,phpmyadmin配置 1. 更换源 1.1 clean /etc/apt/sources.list file 1.2 Ubuntu Sources List Generator: 1.3 copy the sources from the link above in the sources.lists 1.4 sudo apt-get update 2. 安装lamp 一键安装LAMP服务:s…