using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.Schema; using System.Data.Common; using System.Data.Entity; using System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure; using System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.Annotations; usin…
问题详情:K Commands(OwinHost.exe)是不是 OWIN 中的 Host 角色?如果是,那 Microsoft.AspNet.Hosting 对应的是 OWIN 中的哪个角色? OWIN 中,除了 Host 和 Server 的概念容易混淆,K Commands(OwinHost.exe)与 Microsoft.AspNet.Hosting 也是很容易混淆的一点,先看一下它们的概念: OwinHost.exe: While some will want to write a c…
Nuget versioning issue with package restore Restart VS as administrator, extension manager uninstall nuget. restart VS as administrator again, search for nuget an…
在使用ListView时,会遇到当ListView列表滑动到最底端时,添加新的列表项的问题,本文通过代码演示如何动态的添加新的列表项到ListView中.实现步骤:调用ListView的setOnScrollListener()方法设置滑动监听器,实现OnScrollListener接口的方法,判断当列表滑动到最低端时,加载新的列表项.其中OnScrollListener接口需要实现如下两个方法:onScroll(AbsListView view, int firstVisibleItem, i… TL;DR: Registration code for Autofac, for SimpleInjector, for Unity. Tony Mackay has an alternative walk-through of a very similar process but with Autofac Part 2: Sending Emails in Asp.Net Identity using…
WebApi中启用CORS跨域访问 1.安装 Nugget包Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Cors This package contains the components to enable Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) in ASP.NET Web API. 此包包含启用跨域资源共享的组件(CORS)在ASP.NET Web API. 目前版本是5.2.3 依赖项: Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Core (>=…