Install Rancher server】的更多相关文章

1.pre-requirement: sudo nmtui # sudo hostnamectl set-hostname <hostname> $ sudo hostnamectl set-hostname rancher01 $ sudo systemctl restart systemd-hostnamed sudo yum install openssh -y 2.docker: $ sudo yum install yum-utils -y $ sudo yum-config-man…
转载于 Rancher Server HA的高可用部署实验-学习笔记 一.机器规划 二.数据库服务器的安装 三.Rancher Server HA1的安装 四.Rancher Server HA2的安装 五.HAProxy 负载均衡器的安装 六.注册主机(工作主机) 七.参考链接(视频) 本文主要以Rancher培训视频为基础,做了学习笔记,方便自己日后查看.Rancher…
1.安装docker sudo apt-get install docker的版本:Docker version 17.12.1-ce 2.安装virtualbox-qt,因为virtualbox-5.2无法安装 sudo apt-get install virtualbox-qt 3.运行rancher sudo docker run -d --restart=unless-stopped -p 8080:8080 rancher/server:stable rancher…
当我第一次开始我的Kubernetes之旅时,我一直在寻找一种设置本地部署环境的方式.很多人常常会使用minikube或microk8s,这两者非常适合新手在单节点集群环境下进行操作.但当我已经了解了基础知识之后,这两者显然不太够用,我需要进一步寻找能够运行本地多节点集群.与生产环境更相似的平台.为此,我查阅了许多参考资料,最后我找到了Rancher Server.接下来,我要介绍我是如何设置我的本地K8S多节点集群的. 准备master节点和worker节点的虚拟机 上图显示了集群的架构,一个…
摘自: SQL Server 2008 R2 Express Edition - Install SQL Server Profiler 我们知道 SQL Server 2008 R2 Express Edition 默认没有 Sql Server Profiler, 如果需要它, 我们不得不重新安装Enterprise版或者Developer版. 这样做太麻烦了,如果我们有SQL Serve…
本文转自: This procedure describes how to install Windows Server 2012 in VMware Workstation. The following versions are used: VMware Workstation Technology Preview…
Virtual Networking Computing (VNC) is a Kind of remote sharing system that makes it possible to take control of any other computer connected to internet. Keyboard and mouse clicks can easily transmit from one computer to another. It helps administrat…
进入引导程序以后, 选择Install Ubuntu Server, 安装主菜单如下: 依次配置: 接着…
Never give up ---xingyunpi Install windows server 2008 system on ESXi 5.1, add it to a domain and do some configurations for remote desktop. 1.       Install windows server 2008 Prepare a windows 2k8 ISO file. New a host from ESXi 5.1 client and star…
Install LAMP Server (Apache, MariaDB, PHP) On CentOS/RHEL/Scientific Linux 7 By SK  - August 12, 2014   LAMP is a combination of operating system and open-source software stack. The acronym of LAMP is derived from first letters of Linux, Apache HTTP…