storage theory】的更多相关文章

preface/prehight:topic: Storage(share fileSystem(可共享文件系统,Access I/O existence bottleNeck,access read/write space slowly),BSD(block storage device,file not share,but access read/write space high),Object storage(both and merit))brief description: distr… The Theory of Storage describes features observed in commodity markets. Here are some basic terminology that needs to be understood to understand the Theory of Storage. Commodity Market A commod…
参考文章: JAVA NIO之浅谈内存映射文件原理与DirectMemory Java NIO 2.0 : Memory-Mapped Files | MappedByteBuffer Tutorial How Java I/O Works Internally at Lower Level? 1. JAVA I/O theory at lower system level Before this post, We assume you are fmailiar with basic JAVA…
Almost one year ago, I checked how different cache settings affected KVM storage subsystem performance. Results were very clear: to obtain good I/O speed, you had to use the write-back or none cache policies, avoiding the write-through one. However,…
Gwen Shapira, SA superstar and now full-time engineer at Cloudera, asked a question on Twitter that got me thinking. My response of old might have been “well, here’s the FLP paper, and here’s the Paxos paper, and here’s the Byzantine generals paper…”… I have developed a mass-storage device, and I'd a like a PC application to send/receive some custom commands to it. Normally one would create a composite USB devi…
Azure Storage 是微软 Azure 云提供的云端存储解决方案,当前支持的存储类型有 Blob.Queue.File 和 Table. 笔者在<Azure File Storage 基本用法>中介绍了 File Storage 的基本用法,本文将介绍 Queue Storage 的主要使用方法. 文章来源:葡萄城产品技术社区 Queue Storage 是什么? Azure Queue Storage 是一个存储大量消息的存储服务,这些消息可以在任何地方通过 HTTP/HTTPS 访…
Azure Storage 是微软 Azure 云提供的云端存储解决方案,当前支持的存储类型有 Blob.Queue.File 和 Table. 笔者在<Azure Blob Storage 基本用法>中介绍了 Blob Storage 的基本用法,本文将介绍 File Storage 的主要使用方法. 文章来源:葡萄城产品技术社区 File Storage 是什么? Azure File Storage 是一个通过 Server Message Block (SMB) 协议提供云端文件共享的…
1.拖放API中源对象与目标对象事件间的数据传递: ①创建全局变量--污染全局对象:  var 全局变量=null;  src.ondragstart=function(){   全局变量=数据值;  }  target.ondrop=function(){   console.log(全局变量);  } ②使用HTML5中拖放API提供的dataTransfer对象:  源对象事件的dataTransfer与目标对象事件的dataTransfer不是同一个对象,但可相互传递数据:  src.o…
1.Web Storage HTML5除了Canvas元素之外,还有一个非常重要的功能那就是客户端本地保存数据的Web Storage功能. 以前都是用cookies保存用户名等简单信息.   但是cookie有下面几个问题: a:大小:cookies的大小被限制在4KB b:带宽:cookies随HTTP事务一起被发送,因此会浪费一部分发送的cookies时使用的带宽. c:复杂性:要正确的操纵cookies是很困难的.   Web Storage分为两种: <1>sessionStorag…