以下内容的出现可以追溯到一个发生在互联网的安全事件: Z公司遭受某种攻击,服务器上被植入了Linux DDOS木马,部分系统命令入ls遭替换,攻击者已经获得该服务器root权限: 影响更恶劣的是,连接生产系统的某台数据库服务器遭到攻击,部分数据被删除,好在通过备份数据及时得到恢复,不过现场已被破坏. 先撇开木马不谈,数据库被攻击首先让人联想到的是SQL注入,由于现场被破坏,数据库本身也没有开审计,加上其他种种原因,已无法觅得具体攻击时间和操作. 一段悲伤的故事就这么开始了,就像行走在黑暗中遭到攻…
目录 . 入侵分析简介 . 基于日志的入侵分析技术 . 入侵分析CASE . 入侵分析CASE . 入侵分析CASE . 入侵分析CASE 1. 入侵分析简介 Windows 清除日志的方法 wmic nteventlog where "Logfilename = 'Application'" Call ClearEventLog wmic nteventlog where "Logfilename = 'Security'" Call ClearEventLog…
[it-ebooks]电子书列表   [2014]: Learning Objective-C by Developing iPhone Games || Leverage Xcode and Objective-C to develop iPhone games http://it-ebooks.info/book/3544/Learning Web App Development || Build Quickly with Proven JavaScript Techniques http:…
Awesome Courses  Introduction There is a lot of hidden treasure lying within university pages scattered across the internet. This list is an attempt to bring to light those awesome courses which make their high-quality material i.e. assignments, lect…
https://mapr.com/blog/real-time-credit-card-fraud-detection-apache-spark-and-event-streaming/ Editor's Note: Have questions about the topics discussed in this post? Search for answers and post questions in the Converge Community. In this post we are…
catalogue . 静态分析.动态分析.内存镜像分析对比 . Memory Analysis Approach . volatility: An advanced memory forensics framework . github-djteller-MemoryAnalysis . Awesome Malware Analysis Projects 1. 静态分析.动态分析.内存镜像分析对比 0x1: Static Analysis Challenges . Time consuming…
catalog . 引言 . sandbox introduction . Sandboxie . seccomp(short for secure computing mode): API级沙箱 . 利用do_syscall_trace一次性对所有系统调用进行Hook监控 . cuckoo . Detux . remnux . Noriben Malware Analysis Sandbox . Limon Sandbox for Analyzing Linux Malwares . 基于do…
原文跳转: http://dig4n6.blogspot.tw/2013/07/vdi-in-box-analysis-results.html *文中引用图片如无法浏览,请科学上网* VDI-in-a-Box Analysis Results by Ethan Fleisher Despite the fact that my capstone thesis was complete over three months ago, it’s been a struggle to make thi…
Analysis of requirement specification of parking management system PURPOSE OF THE SYSTEM The parking management system refers to the automatic identification device installed at the entrance and exit of the parking area based on the modern electronic…
Source: Research gate Stafford Michahial EEG is a very low frequency.. and literature will give us the region where Alpha, Beta, Mu, signals are generated in Brain... and to reduce the complexity and to avoid interference as much as possible.. we go…