项目源码在github上,请看这里-->Android Netty Server Android netty server Start a netty server on android Download netty Download url :https://netty.io/downloads.html Download netty-all.jar and put it into libs. Then add as library. Project structure netty AppSe…
Eclipse中调试的时候报错 [2014-06-18 13:07:49 - DinnerBooker] The connection to adb is down, and a severe error has occured.[2014-06-18 13:07:49 - DinnerBooker] You must restart adb and Eclipse.[2014-06-18 13:07:49 - DinnerBooker] Please ensure that adb is co…
ANOTHER TITLE: Let’s use netty to achieve text send and receive and image transfer to server based on android and jdk1.7 就让我来Rap<MC Hotdog>,使用netty进行安卓端发送接收文字,并且附带发送图片功能,折腾了几天的netty总算有点眉目了,做下记录. 需求是安卓端拍照上传到服务器,服务器返回上传成功或失败bla bla bla,需求比较简单.最初使用的传统…
启动Android Stdio的时候报如下错误: Unable to create Debug Bridge: Unable to start adb server: error: could not install *smartsocket* listener: cannot bind to 閫氬父姣忎釜濂楁帴瀛楀湴鍧�(鍗忚/缃戠粶鍦板潃/绔彛)鍙厑璁镐娇鐢ㄤ竴娆°�� (10048) could not read ok from ADB Server…
ANDROID 开机启动VNC SERVER 背景信息: 最近在做一个项目,在项目需求中有这么一项“要把VNC SERVER 添加到android里并让其开机自启动”.其实做这个项目也挺缚手缚脚的,因为软硬件技术都要去求人,所以就四处去找方案公司帮我们做这个项目,他们都不愿意帮我们做,其原因之一就是上述所说的需求---VNC SERVER(我都把VNC源码和参考资料都发给他们). 我就想啦...真的有这么难么!!然后我就用我现有的资源(我公司自撑握的核心)通过网上查找资料和看书(艰苦的过程)去现…