Here is the code: /* Instance invocation in the memory: */ package kju.obj; import static kju.print.Printer.*; public class NonStaticInvoke { public static void main(String[] args) { Person p = new Person("lily"); p.setName("lucy"); }…
Here is the code: /* Some class,such as a config file,need to be only one.So we need to control the instance. 1,private the constructor and create only one instance in the class itself. 2,provide a method for the others to get the 'only one' instance…
the code below demonstates the principle of the'recursive-call' that the programing beginner may be confused with,and each demonstrate was followed by a screenshot: the first part of the code called in the main: String s2 = toBinary2(6, sb); the actu…
通常来说,当你创建类时,就是在描述那个类的对象的外观与行为.除非你用new创建那个类的对象,否则,你实际上并未获得任何东西.当你用new来创建对象时,数据存储空间才被分配,其方法才供外界调用. 但是有两种情形,用上述方法是无法解决的.一种情形是,你只需要为某特定数据分配一份存储空间,而不去考虑究竟要创建对少个对象,还是甚至根本就不需要创建任何对象.另一种情形是,你希望某个方法不与包含它的类的任何对象关联在一起.也就是说,即使没有创建对象,也能够调用这个方法. 通过static关键字,可以满足这两…
官网说道: As of PHP 5.3.0, PHP implements a feature called late static bindings which can be used to reference the called class in a context of static inheritance. More precisely, late static bindings work by storing the class named in the last "non-forw…
截图是做测试的基本技能,在有BUG的地方,截个图,保留失败的证据,也方便去重现BUG.所以,在自动化的过程中,也要能截图,也要能在我们想要截取的地方去截图,且能在错误产生时,自动的截图. 示例: 脚本中的调用: 错误时截图:    提示:结合testng的监听器,来实现错误时截图,在之后的博客中会做介绍. 具体代码如下: ScreenShot.java文件: package com.selenium.utils; import; import…
原文链接: By Josée Lajoie and Stanley Lippman, September 01, 2000 As we gain mastery of C++, it is natural to question the rules of thumb that helped us get by in the beginning.…
In this article, we are going to see another powerful framework that is used widely in pen-testing. Burp suite is an integration of various tools put together to work in an effective manner to help the pen-tester in the entire testing process, from t…
By Qusay H. Mahmoud, October 2004     When Java was first released to the public in 1995 it came with a web browser (HotJava), written in Java, that had the ability to automatically and dynamically download mini-applications (or applets) when it enco…
高性能服务器设计(Jeff Darcy's notes on high-performance server design 我想通过这篇文章跟大家共享一下我多年来怎样开发“服务器”这类应用的一些想法和观点(这类应用用名词“server”来表示,还是有点牵强). The purpose of this document is to share some ideas that I've developed over the years about how to develop a certain k…