在python中判断 list 中是否包含某个元素: ——可以通过in和not in关键字来判读 例如: abcList=['a','b','c',1,2,3] if 'a' in abcList: print('a is in abcList') if 'd' not in abcList: print('d is not in abcList') if 1 in abcList: print('1 is in abcList') 结果为:…
在python中可以通过in和not in关键字来判读一个list中是否包含一个元素 pythontab = ['p','y','t','h','o','n','t','a','b'] if 't' in pythontab: print 't in pythontab' if 'w' not in theList: print 'w is not in pythontab'…
在python中可以通过in和not in关键字来判读一个list中是否包含一个元素 theList = ['a','b','c'] if 'a' in theList: print 'a in the list' else: print 'a is not in the list' if 'd' not in theList: print 'd is not in the list' else: print 'd in the list'…
indexOf(String s)的使用,如果包含,返回的值是包含该子字符串在父类字符串中起始位置: 如果不包含必定全部返回值为-1 package my_automation; public class z_test { public static void main(String[] args) { String test = "This is test for string"; System.out.println(test.indexOf("This"));…
一.比如说要判断表A中的字段C是否存在两个方法: (1) 直接查表——有点笨,有点常规 IF EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM SYSOBJECTS T1 INNER JOIN SYSCOLUMNS T2 ON T1.ID=T2.ID WHERE T1.NAME='A' AND T2.NAME='C' ) PRINT '存在' ELSE PRINT '不存在' (2) 直接判断列长度的函数——短小精悍,可谓精典 IF COL_LENGTH('A', 'C') IS NOT NULL…