set hive.exec.parallel】的更多相关文章

hive.exec.parallel参数控制在同一个sql中的不同的job是否可以同时运行,默认为false.下面是对于该参数的测试过程: 测试sql:select r1.a    from (select t.a from sunwg_10 t join sunwg_10000000 s on t.a=s.b) r1 join (select s.b from sunwg_100000 t join sunwg_10 s on t.a=s.b) r2 on (r1.a=r2.b); Set h…
动态分区数太大的问题:[Fatal Error] Operator FS_2 (id=2): Number of dynamic partitions exceeded hive.exec.max.dynamic.partitions.pernode. hive> insert into table sogouq_test partition(query_time) select user_id,query_word,query_order,click_order,url,query_time…
当我们出现这种情况时 FAILED: SemanticException [Error 10096]: Dynamic partition strict mode requires at least one static partition column. To turn this off set hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode=nonstrict 这时候我们需要改变一下设置 set hive.exec.dynamici.partition=true;set h…
spark 2.4 spark sql中执行 set hive.exec.max.dynamic.partitions=10000; 后再执行sql依然会报错: org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.HiveException: Number of dynamic partitions created is 1001, which is more than 1000. To solve this try to set hive.exec.max.dynamic.p…
Hive Documentation 2016-12-22  14:52:41 ANTLR (ANother Tool for Language Recognition) 2016-12-15  22:59:16 UDF <LanguageManual UDF>:…
转自: 一个Hive查询生成多个Map Reduce Job,一个Map Reduce Job又有Map,Reduce,Spill,Shuffle,Sort等多个阶段,所以针对Hive查询的优化可以大致分为针对MR中单个步骤的优化(其中又会有细分),针对MR全局的优化,和针对整个查询(多MR Job)的优化,下文会分别阐述. 在开始之前,先把MR的流程图帖出来(摘自Hadoop权威指南),方便后面对照.另…
1.hive中的四种排序 1.1 order by :对全局进行排序,只能有一个reduce select * from hive.employee order by id;… 这里面列出了hive几乎所有的配置项,下面问题只是说出了几种配置项目的作用.更多内容,可以查看内容问题导读:1.hive输出格式的配置项是哪个?2.hive被各种语言调用如何配置?3.hive提交作业是在hive中还是hadoop中?4.一个查询的最后一个map/reduce任务输出是否被压缩的标志,通过哪个配置项?5.当用户自定义了UDF或者SerDe,这些插件的jar都要放到这个目录下,通过那个配置项?…
1. limit Hive has a configuration property to enable sampling of source data for use with LIMIT: hive.limit.optimize.enable, set this parameter to true to optimize limit operation. 2. PARALLEL if your job was designed to some stages, if these stages…
可以通过修改set hive.exec.parallel=true来修改并行度.如果job中并行执行的阶段增多,那么集群利用率会增加.…