alter database open resetlogs或者 alter database open resetlogs upgrade报错:ORA-00392 在rman restore 还原数据文件和recover 恢复数据文件之后,此时数据库处于mounted状态,需要open并resetlogs . 此时resetlogs相当于数据库根据控制文件的redo信息,创建新的redo文件.但是有时open resetlogs报错. 昨天在使用RMAN备份恢复测试数据库的时候,不小心在ren…
参考文档:ALTER DATABASE OPEN RESETLOGS fails with ORA-00392 (Doc ID 1352133.1) 打开一个克隆数据库报以下错误: SQL> alter database open resetlogs; alter database open resetlogs * ERROR at line 1: ORA-00392: log 1 of thread 1 is being cleared, operation not allowed ORA-0…
恢复的过程和(差不多.但是,具体过程有些不同.如果按照之前的恢复方式,在run语句中同时运行restore和recover操作,虽然可以执行成功,但是在以resetlogs方式打开时会报错: SQL> alter database open resetlogs; alter database open resetlogs * ERROR at line : ORA: is being cleared,…
我们在recover database时报一个错误: RMAN-06054: media recovery requesting unknown archived log for thread 1 with sequence 149 and starting SCN of 3507749 这里是提醒恢复到一个未知的scn号.我们在备份时只有148号归档,149号还是online redo,所以没有copy过来,如果我们不指定recover的结束时间,最后就会提示我们上面的信息:RMAN-0605…
alter database open resetlogs或者 alter database open resetlogs upgrade报错:ORA-00392 在rman restore 还原数据文件和recover 恢复数据文件之后,此时数据库处于mounted状态,需要open并resetlogs .此时resetlogs相当于数据库根据控制文件的redo信息,创建新的redo文件.但是有时open resetlogs报错. 解决步骤: 1:报错查看 2:查看当前日志组状态…
单实例数据库版本: RAC实例数据库版本: 1,在单实例数据库备份文件 RMAN> show all; using target database control file instead of recovery catalogRMAN configuration parameters for database with db_unique_name ORCL are:CONFIGURE RETENTION POLICY TO REDUNDANCY 1; # de…
背景: 进行测试库不完全恢复,log_file_name_convert没调整好.rac-asm至单实例-文件系统,recover完成后,mount状态的database 执行 alter database resetlogs 报错; 21:18:53 SQL> alter database open resetlogs;alter database open resetlogs*ERROR at line 1:ORA-00392: log 5 of thread 1 is being cle…
package mythread; public class CountOperate extends Thread{ public CountOperate(){ System.out.println("CountOperate---begin"); System.out.println("Thread.currentThread().getName()=" + Thread.currentThread().getName());//获取线程名 System.… Introduction Worker threads are an elegant solution to a number of problems about concurrent processing; for example, the need to keep the GUI active while a computation is being performed.…
1.redo log相关数据字典 v$log:display the redo log file information from the control file v$logfile:identifies redo log group# and members and memeber status v$log_history:contains log history information 2.v$log Column Datatype Description…
Blaise Pascal Magazine Rerun #5: Four Ways to Create a Thread This article was originally written for the Blaise Pascal Magazine and was published in Issue #10. Relevant Delphi code is available at…