ACM-The Coco-Cola Store】的更多相关文章

  Once upon a time, there is a special coco-cola store. If you return three empty bottles to the shop, you’ll get a full bottle of coco-cola to drink. If you have n empty bottles right in your hand, how many full bottles of coco-cola can you drink? I…
Memory Leak Time Limit: 2000MS Memory limit: 131072K 题目描述 Memory Leak is a well-known kind of bug in C/C++. When a string is longer than expected, it will visit the memory of next array which will cause the issue and leak some information. You can se…
Problem G. Garden Gathering Input file: standard input Output file: standard output Time limit: 3 seconds Memory limit: 512 megabytes Many of you may have been to St. Petersburg, but have you visited Peterhof Palace? It is a collection of splendid pa…
Candy Store Time Limit: 30000ms, Special Time Limit:75000ms, Memory Limit:65536KB Total submit users: 6, Accepted users: 6 Problem 12624 : No special judgement Problem description You are walking with a friend, when you pass a candy store. You make a…
Home · chineking/cola Wiki Home Cola Cola是一个分布式的爬虫框架,用户只需编写几个特定的函数,而无需关注分布式运行的细节.任务会自动分配到多台机器上,整个过程对用户是透明的. 依赖 首先,确保Python版本为2.6或者2.7(未来会支持3+).由于Cola配置文件使用的yaml,所以Cola只依赖于pyyaml,安装easy_install或者pip工具后,则可以: pip install pyyaml 安装 下载或者用git clone源码,假设在目录…
Mountain Subsequences 题目描述 Coco is a beautiful ACMer girl living in a very beautiful mountain. There are many trees and flowers on the mountain, and there are many animals and birds also. Coco like the mountain so much that she now name some letter s…
链接:来源:牛客网 White Cloud has built n stores numbered from 1 to n. White Rabbit wants to visit these stores in the order from 1 to n. The store numbered i has a price a[i] representing that White Rabbit can spend…
今天在看到App Store 上架过程中,苹果公司反馈的拒绝原因发现了这么一个问题: Legal - 5.1.5 Your app uses background location services but does not clarify the purpose of its use in the location modal alert as required in the iOS Human Interface Guidelines. We've attached screenshot(s…
好久好久没写博客了,主要是 都在学习新东西,忙不赢啊. 近段时间在用AC平台学习开发移动APP, 今天开始发布应用. 在ac云控制台编译成ipa后,使用apple提供的Application Loader工具提交apa文件到iTunes去,等待漫长的30几分钟后,提交终于结束,没想到蹦的弹出一个黄色警告,说:"生成的API分析文件太大.我们无法在交付前验证您的API使用信息.这只是通知信息." 吓了我一跳,第一反应是app出问题了, 提交没成功.因为这可是第一次提交应用,以前从未有过的…
新生初赛题目.解题思路.参考代码一览 A. 拒绝虐狗 Problem Description CZJ 去排队打饭的时候看到前面有几对情侣秀恩爱,作为单身狗的 CZJ 表示很难受. 现在给出一个字符串代表 CZJ 前面的队列.你可以帮他一把把那些情侣分开吗? Input 第一行是一个\(T\),代表数据的组数\(T\)(\(T\leq 100\)). 每组一个只包含大写字母的字符串\(p\)(\(1\leq len_{p}\leq 1000\)),表示 CZJ 前面的队列,保证不会有连续三个及以上…