Your mission is to exploit this code, which has obviously an LFI vulnerability: GeSHi`ed PHP code 1 2 $filename = 'pages/'.(isset($_GET["file"])?$_GET["file"]:"welcome").'.html'; include $filename; There is a lot of important…
As on most challenge sites, there are some beginner cryptos, and often you get started with the good old caesar cipher.I welcome you to the WeChall style of these training challenges :) Enjoy! VJG SWKEM DTQYP HQZ LWORU QXGT VJG NCBA FQI QH ECGUCT CPF…
前言: 开始打CTF,掌握一些新的姿势与知识. 这里我选择的平台是Wechall.这里从简单到难 WP部分: Training: Get SourcedAnswer: 查看网页源代码 Training: Stegano IAnswer 这里有张图片,下载.用十六进制打开获得password Training: Crypto - Caesar IAnswer 题目提示凯撒密码加密.这里感谢一下群里某位师傅发的进制转换器.很好用 Training: WWW-Robots (HTTP, Trainin…
出品|MS08067实验室( 这次挑战的是 HTB 的第5台靶机:Beep,评分很高,难度中等 靶机描述 Beep 运行了大量的服务,这对正确发掘入口点有一定的挑战,由于存在大量的攻击向量,或许会让你不知所措,幸运地是,有多种方法可以渗透此系统. 技能收获 Web-fuzzing LFI RCE Kali Tool:sslscan / svwar / searchsploit Nmap Privilege Escalation Elastix / FreeFBX…
Training: MySQL I (MySQL, Exploit, Training) MySQL Authentication Bypass - The classic This one is the classic mysql injection challenge. Your mission is easy: Login yourself as admin. Again you are given the sourcecode, also as highlighted version.…
题目链接: 的确是非常简单的SQL注入 经过阅读源代码可知判断通过的方式是: "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='$username' AND password='$password'"; 而且有admin这个用户的特判,利用php的局部注释“#”可以进行攻击: user…
When you visit this link you receive a message.Submit the same message back to timelimit is 1.337 seconds 解题: 先在浏览器获取自己的cookie,再用python写了个自动提交的程序,header加上自己的cooki…
The solution is hidden in this page Use View Sourcecode to get it 解题: 网页源码,最后一行 <!-- You are looking for this password: html_sourcecode -->…
In a computer, you can only work with numbers.In this challenge you have to decode the following message, which is in ASCII. 84, 104, 101, 32, 115, 111, 108, 117, 116, 105, 111, 110, 32, 105, 115, 58, 32, 98, 111, 108, 102, 111, 110, 111, 105, 97, 10…
We intercepted this message from one challenger to another, maybe you can find out what they were talking about.To help you on your progress I coded a small java application, called JPK.Note: The message is most likely in english. 1010100110100011010…