SpEl语言的目的之一是防止注入外部属性的代码硬代码化.如@Value("#{student.name}")这个注解的意思是把Student类的name的属性值注入进去.其中student指向Student,是Student的id. SpEl的作用是: 1.The ability to reference beans by their IDs; 2.Invoking methods and accessing propeerties on objects 3.Mathmatical,r…
From:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6632982/how-to-create-custom-methods-for-use-in-spring-security-expression-language-anno None of the mentioned techniques will work anymore. It seems as though Spring has gone through great lengths to prevent u…
领域特定语言(Domain Specific Language, DSL)是一种为解决特定领域问题而对某个特定领域操作和概念进行抽象的语言.领域特定语言只是针对某个特定的领域,这点与通用编程语言(General purpose Language)不同,如Java既可以适用于网站开发,也可以适用于手机开发.一旦领域特定语言离开了相关领域,它就会变得不适用.但针对某个特定的领域,领域特定语言能很自然地方便地表述问题,也常常比通用编程语言更快地解决问题. Martin Fowler 在<领域特定语言>…
为了装一款 Gal Game (为毛不是装 H-Game?),使用 APP 还是太辛苦了,反正相信童鞋们也都用上“瘟妻”了嘛,装个日文的语言包基本上就可以解决问题了.大家都知道只有旗舰版(Windows 7 Ultimate)和企业版(Windows 7 Enterprise)的才能免费下载多国语言包(MUI language packs),但是 Win7 其他版本是否也可以類?当然也是可以下载安装的,比如下面这个破解工具: Vistalizator to install MUI langu…
Joel on Software Choosing a language 选择一门语言 by Joel Spolsky Sunday, May 05,2002 Why do developerschoose one programming language over another for a given task? 为什么对一项给定的任务,开发者会偏向于选择某一门语言?我啥事也干不了. Sometimes I choose raw C when I needblazing speed. 有时候…
摘抄"GPU Programming And Cg Language Primer 1rd Edition" 中文名"GPU编程与CG语言之阳春白雪下里巴人" In the last year I have never had to write a single HLSL/GLSL shader. Bottom line, I can't think of any reason NOT to use CG. shader language,称为着色语言,shade在…