研究下wifi参数的含义 #The word of "Default" must not be removed Default CountryRegion= CountryRegionABand= CountryCode= SSID=Dennis2860AP NetworkType=Infra WirelessMode= Channel= BeaconPeriod= TxPower= BGProtection= TxPreamble= RTSThreshold= FragThresho…
函数的默认参数值,即在定义参数的时候同时给它一个初始值.在调用函数的时候,我们可以省略含有默认值的参数.也就是说,如果用户指定了参数值,则使用用户指定的值,否则使用默认参数的值. void Func(int i = 1, float f = 2.0f, double d = 3.0) { cout << i << ", " << f << ", " << d << endl ; } int ma…
直接阅读源代码吧: 在flask的app.py里,查看run函数的定义 def run(self, host=None, port=None, debug=None, **options): """Runs the application on a local development server. If the :attr:`debug` flag is set the server will automatically reload for code changes an…