Value Stewardship Over Showmanship】的更多相关文章

 Value Stewardship Over Showmanship Barry Hawkins WHEn An ARCHiTECT EnTERS A pRojECT, there is an understandable desire to prove his or her worth. Being assigned the role of software architect typically indicates implicit trust on the part of the co…
前段时间,被问了这样一个问题:.NET 应用程序是怎么运行的? 当时大概愣了好久,好像也没说出个所以然,得到的回复是:这是 .NET 程序员最基本的...呵呵! 微软开源,其实不只是对 .NET 本身有利,从另一方面讲,对于 .NET 程序员来说,因为开源,你可以想了解到你想要的任何事.在之前的岁月,你可以"平凡"做一个默默无闻的 C# 代码撰写者,可以不用考虑任何事,使用宇宙最强大的 IDE - Visual Studio 编写代码后,发布到 IIS 即可,就是这么简单,甚至你不需要… ASP.NET Core – Exceeds 1.15 Million request/s, 12.6 Gbps Congratulations to ASP.NET Core and .NET Core teams and the Open Source .NET community for quite a milestone in p…
.NET Framework (pronounced dot net) is a software framework developed by Microsoft that runs primarily on Microsoft Windows. It includes a large class library known as Framework Class Library (FCL) and provides language interoperability (each languag…
网络基础设施.在管理项目(管理工作)的网络基础.目前主要包括网络平台上编译通过.(“罗斯林”)以及项目的ASP.NET的家庭,都是开放的微软开放的技术来源,Inc.(MS开放技术).Xamarin贡献了几个开源.网项目,包括非常受欢迎的mailkit和mimekit项目.我们积极参与带来更多的项目为基础的,看看我们的博客最新公告.摘下一个项目来了解它如何贡献: Home Projects Get Involved News FAQ Blog Forums .NET Foundation Proj…
PhoneGap 和 Cordova的关系阐述 是PhoneGap贡献给Apache后的开源项目,是从PhoneGap中抽出的核心代码,是驱动PhoneGap的核心引擎.你可以把他想象成类似于Webkit和Google Chrome的关系. Apache Cordova is an open-source mobile development framework. It allows you to use standard web technologies such as HTML5, CSS3…
魅力 .NET:从 Mono..NET Core 说起 前段时间,被问了这样一个问题:.NET 应用程序是怎么运行的? 当时大概愣了好久,好像也没说出个所以然,得到的回复是:这是 .NET 程序员最基本的...呵呵! 微软开源,其实不只是对 .NET 本身有利,从另一方面讲,对于 .NET 程序员来说,因为开源,你可以想了解到你想要的任何事.在之前的岁月,你可以“平凡”做一个默默无闻的 C# 代码撰写者,可以不用考虑任何事,使用宇宙最强大的 IDE - Visual Studio 编写代码后,发…
转自: There’s been a lot of activity in the GRANDstack world recently so in this post we review some of the new features and take a look at what community members have been working on. GRAN…
In order to continue our effort of being modular and well factored we don’t just provide the entire .NET Core platform as a single NuGet package. Instead, it’s a set of fine grained NuGet packages: .NET Core is a general purpose, modular, cross-platf…
Apache Cordova is a set of device APIs that allow a mobile app developer to access native device function such as the camera or accelerometer from JavaScript. Combined with a UI framework such as jQuery Mobile or Dojo Mobile or Sencha Touch, this all…
Freud! Yes, according to Freud's theory, most human activities are driven by libido (or aim-inhibited love). It seems natural to us that, even in the movie Transcendence, to prove a computer program has self-consciousness, is the first benchmark or i…
前段时间,被问了这样一个问题:.NET 应用程序是怎么运行的? 当时大概愣了好久,好像也没说出个所以然,得到的回复是:这是 .NET 程序员最基本的...呵呵! 微软开源,其实不只是对 .NET 本身有利,从另一方面讲,对于 .NET 程序员来说,因为开源,你可以想了解到你想要的任何事.在之前的岁月,你可以“平凡”做一个默默无闻的 C# 代码撰写者,可以不用考虑任何事,使用宇宙最强大的 IDE - Visual Studio 编写代码后,发布到 IIS 即可,就是这么简单,甚至你不需要知道 II…
      he University of Virginia American Studies Program 2002-2003.                     Randy Pausch's Last Lecture: Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams Given at Carnegie Mellon University Tuesday, September 18, 2007 McConomy Auditorium For more i…
原文链接:A re-introduction to JavaScript (JS tutorial) Why a re-introduction? Because JavaScript is notorious for being the world's most misunderstood programming language. It is often derided as being a toy, but beneath its layer of deceptive simplicity…
打开maintain business role这个应用: 创建一个新的business role,然后添加下列这几个catalogs: SAP_CEC_BC_MKT_ADM_PC Marketing - Business Administrator SAP_CEC_BC_MKT_DMB1_PC Marketing - Contacts and Profiles Base SAP_CEC_BC_MKT_CFS1_PC Marketing - Contact Profile SAP_CEC_BC_…
导语 | 近日,云+社区技术沙龙“腾讯开源技术”圆满落幕.本次沙龙邀请了多位腾讯技术专家,深度揭秘了腾讯开源项目TencentOS tiny.TubeMQ.Kona JDK.TARS以及MedicalNet.本文是杨晓峰老师关于腾讯基于OpenJDK的自研Kona JDK开源项目的详细介绍. 一.Tencent Kona 缘起 1. OpenJDK 经常听人谈到 OpenJDK,那它到底是什么呢?相信大家都听说过 Java SE.ME.EE等规范, 通常意义上对 Open JDK 的定义指:Ja…