Back up 1,右键选中需要备份的数据库,Tasks-->Backup 2.General中,Destination,先remove掉之前的,然后再Add 需要注意的是,add的文件,必须要以.bak为后缀名,否则后面restore的话,不会显示出备份的文件 Restore 1.在数据库服务器的Databases上右键,选择Restore Database 1.1  General选项卡 1.1.1选择Device进行浏览,找到之前备份的文件.在查看文件的时候,默认是查看.bak文件. 不过… Character data is represented incorrectly when the code page of the client computer differs from the code page of the database in SQL Server 2005 Email Print SYMPTOMS Consider the following scenario: In…
Managing Windows Azure SQL Database using SQL Server Management Studio You can use Windows Azure SQL Database Management Portal or the SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) client application to administer your SQL Database subscriptions and create and…
今天费了九牛二虎之力,重转好了vs2010之后,打开解决方案,报出下面的错误: ---------------------------Microsoft Visual Studio---------------------------未能正确加载“VSTS for Database Professionals Sql Server Data-tier Application”包.此问题可能是由配置更改或安装另一个扩展导致的.可以在命令行中使用 /log 参数来运行应用程序,然后检查文件“C:\U…
     When I restored a database I got an error: "The backup set holds a backup of a database other than the existing database". I was every confused because I have done this operation many times. It never got error before.      When you encounte…
打开本地的 SQL Server Management Studio.首先创建 Credentials.命令如下:   IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.credentials WHERE credential_identity = 'BackupDBtoAzureStorageCredential') CREATE CREDENTIAL BackupDBtoAzureStora geCredential WITH IDENTITY = '[存储账号名称]' ,S… On SQL Server Management Studio Right click Databases on left pane (Object Explorer) Click Restore Database... Choose Device, click ..., and add your .bak file Cl…
首先确认通过TCP IP来连接连接SQLServer 2012     确保 Server Authentication选择了SQL Server and Windows Authentication mode     打开 SQL SERVER CONFIGURATION MANAGER, 选择数据库实例,把Named Pipes和TCP/IP Status修改为Enabled 双击TCP/IP,选择IP Addresses,把所有IP Enabled改为Yes, 把IPAll 的TCP Po…
1.第一步: 2.第二步: 3.第三布: 4.第四步:…