中文简单介绍:本文对怎样对网上论坛讨论中用户交互关系进行统计建模分析进行了研究. 论文出处:CIKM'13. 英文摘要: Online discussion forums are popular social media platforms for users to express their opinions and discuss controversial issues with each other. To automatically identify the sides/stances…
中文简单介绍: 本文对怎样在问答社区对用户主题兴趣及专业度建模分析进行了研究,而且提出了针对此问题的统计图模型Topics Expertise Model. 论文出处:CIKM'13. 英文摘要: Community Question Answering (CQA) websites, where people share expertise on open platforms, have become large repositories of valuable knowledge. To b…
这几天在家没事,介绍几篇CIKM上关于推荐系统的文章, Personalized Influence Maximization on Social Networks Social Recommendation Incorporating Topic Mining and Social Trust Analysis 文中作者引入topic的概念,对user, item, tag, trust的关系从topic的角度上从新解释了一遍,最后在PMF的框架上进行求解. Location Recommen…
中文简单介绍:本文对怎样基于情感分析和概率矩阵分解从网络论坛讨论中挖掘用户关系进行了深入研究. 论文出处:NAACL'13. 英文摘要: Advances in sentiment analysis have enabled extraction of user relations implied in online textual exchanges such as forum posts. However,recent studies in this direction only consi…
Awesome Torch This blog from: A curated list of awesome Torch tutorials, projects and communities. Table of Contents Tutorials Model Zoo Recurrent Networks Convolutional Networks ETC Libraries Model related GPU related IDE related ETC Links Tutorials…
Paper about Event Detection. #@author: gr #@date: 2014-03-15 #@email: forgerui@gmail.com 看一些相关的论文. 1. <Efficient Visual Event Detection using Volumetric Features> ICCV 2005 扩展2D box 特征到3D时空特征. 构建一个实时的检测器基于容积特征. 采用传统的兴趣点方法检测事件. 2. <ARMA-HMM: A New…
Pedestrian Attributes Recognition Paper List  2018-12-22 22:08:55 [Note] you may also check the updated version of this blog from my github: https://github.com/wangxiao5791509/Pedestrian-Attribute-Recognition-Paper-List The survey paper of pedestrian…
Summary on Visual Tracking: Paper List, Benchmarks and Top Groups 2018-07-26 10:32:15 This blog is copied from: https://github.com/foolwood/benchmark_results  Thanks for the careful list of visual tracking provided by foolwood  Visual Trackers CVPR20…
Distinctive Image Features from Scale-Invariant Keypoints,这篇论文是图像识别领域SIFT算法最为经典的一篇论文,导师给布置的第一篇任务就是它.网上找了好多找不到中译本,那就自己动手丰衣足食吧,顺便造福后人,花时间翻译啃下来并做一个笔记在这吧. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------…
  目录(?)[+]   1.搜狗实验室数据集: http://www.sogou.com/labs/dl/p.html 互联网图片库来自sogou图片搜索所索引的部分数据.其中收集了包括人物.动物.建筑.机械.风景.运动等类别,总数高达2,836,535张图片.对于每张图片,数据集中给出了图片的原图.缩略图.所在网页以及所在网页中的相关文本.200多G 2 http://www.imageclef.org/ IMAGECLEF致力于位图片相关领域提供一个基准(检索.分类.标注等等) Cross…