Updates were rejected because the remote contains work that you do(git报错解决方案) 今天向GitHub远程仓库提交本地项目文件时,遇到了下列错误,很是郁闷 看报错原因是我在远程做了改动 额,想起来了,昨天刚在这个项目对应的远程仓库修改了README文件 起初以为没有指定远程仓库,尝试了如下命令但还是不行 解决方案: 执行 git pull 远程分支名 本地分支名 再执行git push命令,没有报错 问题解决!!! 欢迎转载…
今天向Gitee远程仓库提交本地项目文件时,遇到了下列错误,很是郁闷 正在推送 1203笔记本Error: failed to push some refs to 'https://gitee.com/Q010/aotocadnet_development.git'Error: hint: Updates were rejected because the remote contains work that you dohint: not have locally. This is usuall…
hint: Updates were rejected because the remote contains work that you dohint: not have locally. This is usually caused by another repository pushinghint: to the same ref. You may want to first integrate the remote changeshint: (e.g., 'git pull ...')…
hint: Updates were rejected because the remote contains work that you dohint: not have locally. This is usually caused by another repository pushinghint: to the same ref. You may want to first integrate the remote changeshint: (e.g., 'git pull ...')…
首次提交本次代码到gitlab上,报错:Updates were rejected because the remote contains work that you do 报错情况如下: 错误原因: 由于在gitlab上新建空项目时候,勾选了Initialize this repository with a README这项,导致远程仓库不为空 也就是 此刻的空项目是 解决方法: 现将远程仓库的内容拉取到本地,然后再进行提交 1.删除gitlab上现有的空项目,新建项目,不要勾选Initial…
git报错:'fatal:remote origin already exists'怎么处理?附上git常用操作以及说明.   git添加远程库的时候有可能出现如下的错误, 怎么解决? 只要两步: 1.先删除 1 $ git remote rm origin 2.再次执行添加就可以了. ----------------------------------------------git常用操作------------------------------------------------ 说明,以…
刚开始学习 git 命令,发现会出现很多的错误,所以就总结下出现的错误,以此来加深理解和掌握吧! 环境:在本地库操作了一系列的 add 和 commit 操作后,想把本地仓库推送到远端,但是发生以下错误: 错误情况:Updates were rejected because the tip of your current branch is behind 错误原因:我在远端 github 的版本库创建页面点击创建 README.md 按钮创建了说明文档,但是没有 pull 到本地,这样就产生了版…
每次建立新的仓库,提交的时总会出现这样的错误,真是头疼,...... 直接开始正题,git 提交的步骤: 1. git init //初始化仓库 2. git add .(文件name) //添加文件到本地仓库 3. git commit -m "first commit" //添加文件描述信息 4. git remote add origin + 远程仓库地址 //链接远程仓库,创建主分支   5. git push -u origin master //把本地仓库的文件推送到远程仓…
1. git pull origin master --allow-unrelated-histories 2.git pull origin master 3.git init 4.git remote add origin ssh://git@git.limikeji.com:10022/yanhui/webweb.git (可忽略) 5.git add . 6.git commit -m 'testst' 7.git push -u origin master…
在使用git 对源代码进行push到gitHub时可能会出错,信息如下   此时很多人会尝试下面的命令把当前分支代码上传到master分支上. $ git push -u origin master 但依然没能解决问题   出现错误的主要原因是github中的README.md文件不在本地代码目录中   可以通过如下命令进行代码合并[注:pull=fetch+merge] git pull --rebase origin master   执行上面代码后可以看到本地代码库中多了README.md…