题目描述 We are given a sequence of n decimal digits. The sequence needs to be partitioned into one or more contiguous subsequences such that each subsequence, when interpreted as a decimal number, is divisible by a given integer m. Find the number of di…
Digit Division 题目链接: http://acm.hust.edu.cn/vjudge/contest/127407#problem/D Description We are given a sequence of n decimal digits. The sequence needs to be partitioned into one or more contiguous subsequences such that each subsequence, when interp…
Digit Division Time limit: 1 s Memory limit: 512 MiB We are given a sequence of n decimal digits. The sequence needs to be partitioned into one or more contiguous subsequences such that each subsequence, when interpreted as a decimal number, is divis…
题目链接:Central Europe Regional Contest 2015 Zagreb, November 13-15, 2015 D.Digit Division(排列组合+思维) 题解:如果这个数从划分的过程中第一.二道竖线前的能够整除m,那么第一道与第二道竖线之间的数也能够整除m. #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; typedef long long ll; char a[300005]; ll qpow(ll x,ll…
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