CF333E Summer Earnings】的更多相关文章

CF333E Summer Earnings 题目 题解 思路 知识点:枚举,图论,位运算. 题目要求从给定的坐标中的选取三个点为圆心,画出 \(3\) 个不相交且半径相等的圆,并求圆半径可能的最大值. 显然,题目可以转化为,任选三个点,找到构成三角形最短边长的 \(1/2\) 中的最大值,直接枚举三个点的复杂度是 \(O(n^3)\) 是不行的. 考虑不从找点角度构成三角形,因为没有操作空间,而先预…
CF习题集二 一.CF507E Breaking Good 题目描述 \(Breaking Good\)这个游戏对于有经验的玩家来说也有一定的难度. 游戏的主角小明希望加入一个叫斧头帮的犯罪团伙.这个团伙控制着整个国家\(n\)个城市间的\(m\)条双向道路,这些道路保证没有自环和重边,任何城市可以通过这些道路到达任何其他城市. 然而道路并不全都能通行,有些道路是需要修复. 现在这个团伙要搞一个大新闻!搞事地点位于城市\(1\).像往常一样,这个行动最难的部分是搞事后如何逃到他们在城市n的总部.…
题目链接 Summer Earnings 类似MST_Kruskal的做法,连边后sort. 然后对于每条边,依次处理下来,当发现存在三角形时即停止.(具体细节见代码) 答案即为发现三角形时当前所在边长度的一半. #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; struct node{ int x, y, z; friend bool operator < (const node &a, const node &b){ retu…
Summer Earnings time limit per test 9 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Many schoolchildren look for a job for the summer, and one day, when Gerald was still a schoolboy, he also decided to work i…
题目传送门 传送门I 传送门II 传送门III 题目大意 给定平面上的$n$个点,以三个不同点为圆心画圆,使得圆两两没有公共部分(相切不算),问最大的半径. 显然答案是三点间任意两点之间的距离的最小值的一半. 那么一定有一对点的距离会被算入答案. 考虑将所有边按距离从大到小排序.当加入某一条边的时候出现了三元环.那么这条边的长度的一半就是答案. 至于判断三元环就用bitset.再加上很难跑满,以及for自带二分之一常数就过了. 标算是二分答案,然后枚举一个点,保留距离和它大于等于$mid$的所有…
census = read.csv("census.csv")library(caTools)set.seed(2000)spl = sample.split(census$over50k,SplitRatio = 0.6)train = subset(census,spl == TRUE)test = subset(census, spl == FALSE)# use the logistic regressionglm = glm(over50k ~. , data = train…
time limit per test 9 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Many schoolchildren look for a job for the summer, and one day, when Gerald was still a schoolboy, he also decided to work in the summer. Bu…
[题目分析] 找一个边长最大的三元环. 把边排序,然后依次加入.加入(i,j)时,把i和j取一个交集,看看是否存在,存在就找到了最大的三元环. 输出即可,n^3/64水过. [代码] #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #include <cstdlib> #include <cmath> #include <set> #include <bitset> #include <map>…
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Finance knowledge Trading---At the core of our business model is Trading, which involves the buying and selling of financial tools to generate profit. Trading takes place in our Global Markets division, which spans collateralised financing, commoditi…
Best Financing Time Limit: 20000/10000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 29    Accepted Submission(s): 3 Problem Description 小A想通过合理投资银行理财产品达到收益最大化.已知小A在未来一段时间中的收入情况,描述为两个长度为n的整数数组dates和earnings,表示在第dat…
PL/SQL异常处理方法   1:什么是异常处理: PL/SQL提供一个功能去处理异常,在PL/SQL块中叫做异常处理,使用异常处理我们能够测试代码和避免异常退出. PL/SQL异常信息包含三个部分:       1:异常类型        2:错误代码        3:错误信息 通过处理异常我们能够确保PL/SQL块不突然的异常退出.   2:异常处理的结构 DECLARE    Declaration section   BEGIN     Exception section   EXCE…
最常用的就是Length()函数了,求字符串的长度 String s="";int i=s.length();i结果为0. 如果是String s=null;int i=s.length();编译没错.运行会报错 charAt()函数: charAt(int index)方法是一个能够用来检索特定索引下的字符的String实例的方法. charAt()方法返回指定索引位置的char值.索引范围为0~length()-1. 如: str.charAt(0)检索str中的第一个字符,str…
[POJ2586]Y2K Accounting Bug 试题描述 Accounting for Computer Machinists (ACM) has sufferred from the Y2K bug and lost some vital data for preparing annual report for MS Inc. All what they remember is that MS Inc. posted a surplus or a deficit each month…
第四部分     推理题 1.世界上每个角落的每个人都有立场,都有背景,都有推理性,能推理出一个人语言的真意,才成就了真正的推理能力: 2.换言之,如果你能通过一个人的说话推理出其身份职业,你的推理能力更上一层楼. 一 . 临门一脚 1. “I believe in human ingenuity – that when we decide on a task to be done, no matter how daunting it may seem at the beginning, we…
英语新闻常用词汇与短语 经济篇 accumulated deficit 累计赤字 active trade balance 贸易顺差 adverse trade balance 贸易逆差 aid 援助 allocation of funds 资金分配 allotment 拨款 allowance/grant/subsidy 补贴,补助金,津贴 amortization 摊销,摊还,分期偿付 annuity 年金 article 物品,商品 assigned 过户 autarchy 闭关自守 av…
Main Menu       E-mail Tweet Facebook Linkedin Share icons By Roger Parloff Illustration by Justin Metz SEPTEMBER 28, 2016, 5:00 PM EDT WHY DEEP LEARNING IS SUDDENLY CHANGING YOUR LIFE Decades-old discoveries are now electrifying the comp…
Y2K Accounting Bug Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 12251   Accepted: 6202 Description Accounting for Computer Machinists (ACM) has sufferred from the Y2K bug and lost some vital data for preparing annual report for MS Inc…
Y2K Accounting Bug Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 10945   Accepted: 5499 Description Accounting for Computer Machinists (ACM) has sufferred from the Y2K bug and lost some vital data for preparing annual report for MS Inc…
Y2K Accounting Bug Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 11275   Accepted: 5675 Description Accounting for Computer Machinists (ACM) has sufferred from the Y2K bug and lost some vital data for preparing annual report for MS Inc…
Problem Description 小A想通过合理投资银行理财产品达到收益最大化.已知小A在未来一段时间中的收入情况,描述为两个长度为n的整数数组dates和earnings,表示在第dates[i]天小A收入earnings[i]元(0<=i<n).银行推出的理财产品均为周期和收益确定的,可描述为长度为m的三个整数数组start.finish和interest_rates, 若购买理财产品i(0<=i<m),需要在第start[i]天投入本金,在第finish[i]天可取回本…
Y2K Accounting Bug Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 11222   Accepted: 5655 Description Accounting for Computer Machinists (ACM) has sufferred from the Y2K bug and lost some vital data for preparing annual report for MS Inc…


8.3 credit sales(bad debt , ar) method1:direct write off method2:allowance method for bad debt allowance for doubtful accounts 8.4 inventories The valuation method is the process by which the inventory is valued. GAAP requires inventory to be valued…
参考博客 在C语言中,预处理代码是非常强大的工具,能让代码变得可读性和可维护性更强.预处理代码在代码编译之前被提前处理,预处理代码均由#打头. 1.#define基础应用——声明常量 格式:#define 常量名 代替值 #define声明主要用于将常量赋予有意义的名字,例如,声明表示一周天数的常量: #define DAYS_WEEK 7 #define PI 3.1415 需要注意…
The income statement measures performance over some period  of time,usually a quarter or a year.The income statement equation is:Revenus - Expenses = Income From the last section,we know that the balance sheet is as a snapshot,and here the income sta…
Recently,i am learning some useful things about financial management by reading <Essentials of Corporate Finance> writed by Ross/Westerfield/Jordan.Now i will share with you. Chapter One : Introduction to Financial Management Traditionally,finance a…
问题地址: 问题: 网站配有太多的模板是否影响网站加载速度 月光答复: wp不需要删除其他的模板,不影响速度 问题地址: 问题: 除了WORDPRESS大家还用什么其他的博客程序额? 月光答复: Typecho这种虽然简单,但是如果你有特殊需要,找插件和模板就难多了 各有各的好  ... 问题地址:…
文件 一个文件通常就是磁盘上的一段命名的存储区.但对于操作系统来说,文件就会更复杂一些.例如,一个大文件可以存储在一些分散的区段中,或者还会包含一些使操作系统可以确定其文件类型的附加数据. C将文件看成是连续的字节序列,其中每一个字节都可以单独地读取.ANSI C提供了文件的两种视图:文本视图和二进制视图. 1° 文本视图和二进制视图 ANSI要求提供的两种文件视图是文本视图和二进制视图.在二进制视图中,文件中的每个字节都可以为程序所访问.在文本视图中,程序看到的内容和文件的内容有可能不同.举例…
  Transportation Ruratania is just entering capitalism and is establishing new enterprising activities in many fields including transport. The transportation company TransRuratania is starting a new express train from city A to city B with several st…