还没开始玩这个游戏,但在网易云音乐上听到一首歌,很好听 http://music.163.com/#/m/song?id=468490570 搜了一下相关视频,发现这首歌是在与一个叫做歌姬的boss战斗时的背景音乐 战斗完毕之后,会出现一段文字,我很喜欢,转载如下 Look at me.Oh please look at me.I want your eyes to look upon me alone. Have I not become beautiful? Do these clothes…
Let’s create a new Xamarin.Forms PCL solution, named Greetings, using the same process described above for creating the Hello solution. This new solution will be structured more like a typical Xamarin.Forms program, which means that it will define a…