Submissions are evaluated by computing mean Average Precision (AP), modified to take into account the annotation process of Open Images dataset (mean is taken over per-c…
Rich feature hierarchies for accurate object detection and semantic segmentation 作者: Ross Girshick Jeff Donahue Trevor Darrell Jitendra Malik 引用: Girshick, Ross, et al. "Rich feature hierarchies for accurate object detection and semantic segmentation…
CVPR2020:三维实例分割与目标检测 Joint 3D Instance Segmentation and Object Detection for Autonomous Driving 论文地址:…
计算机视觉中的目标检测,因其在真实世界的大量应用需求,比如自动驾驶.视频监控.机器人视觉等,而被研究学者广泛关注. 上周四,arXiv新出一篇目标检测文献<Object Detection in 20 Years: A Survey>,其对该领域20年来出现的技术进行了综述,这是一篇投向PAMI的论文,作者们review了400+篇论文,总结了目标检测发展的里程碑算法和state-of-the-art,并且难能可贵的对算法流程各个技术模块的演进也进行了说明,还深入到目标检测的特定领域,如人…