to refactor for refactor】的更多相关文章

v1.1 if all algorithm are in one function, it will expand. so each operate type should be separated. question: if add scientific operation.cpp: #include "operation.h" int OperationAdd(string number1, string number2){ int result= atoi(number1.c_s…
first step, only aim to work. it works, but i have not seen the necessaty to use class yet. my question, why use class? main.cpp: #include <iostream> #include <iostream> #include "operation.h" using namespace std; int main(int argc,…
delphi refactor procedure TCameraComponentForm.btnRefreshConfigClick(Sender: TObject); var a:string; begin a:=CameraComponent1.CaptureSetting.Width.ToString; Memo1.Lines.Add( a); end; 不仅可以重构成 过程 还可以重构函数参数,真强大! procedure TCameraComponentForm.btnRefres…
We have a render prop based class component that allows us to make a GraphQL request with a given query string and variables and uses a GitHub graphql client that is in React context to make the request. Let's refactor this to a function component th…
最近在看<重构>的书,想到Xcode有一个Refactor的功能,不知道您用的多不多,用这个功能在我们开发过程中,可以提高开发效率. Refactor 右键显示 Refactor 一.Rename 重命名符号,修改属性或方法的名字.当然有可能您用的是全局Replace这个方法,但是这个无法替换Class的文件名.演示下将TestViewController的.h .m .xib及用到的地方修改为有意义的命HomeViewController. 1.在TestViewController上右键点…
Binary search is an algorithm that accepts a sorted list and returns a search element from the list. It provides a dramatic performance boost over searching linearly through a list for an element. Let’s play around number of iterations required for e…
Recursion is when a function calls itself. This self calling function handles at least two cases, the recursive case and the base case. People seem to either love it or hate it because it can be difficult to understand and implement correctly. Let’s…
In this lesson, I refactor a simple Counter component connected to Redux to use Unstated instead. I explain some of the cognitive overhead of working with Redux and how Unstated can help simplify your application codebase. Additional Resources https:…
The componentWillReceiveProps() method is being deprecated in future version of React (17). Many of us use this method day-to-day to check for incoming prop changes, store state, and to invoke side effects like logging or fetching data from a server.…
In this lesson we'll take some existing code and refactor it using some functions from the Ramda library, most notably, compose and converge. When we're done, we'll have taken a function with a couple of local variables and parameter references and c…
Naming things is hard and arguments in generic utility functions are no exception. Making functions "tacit" or "point free" removes the need for the extra parameter names and can make your code cleaner and more succinct. In this lesson…
代码重构几乎是每个程序员在软件开发中必须要不断去做的事情,以此来不断提高代码的质量.Android Stido(以下简称AS)以其强大的功能,成为当下Android开发工程师最受欢迎的开发工具,也是Android官方推荐使用的工具.如此优秀的工具,自然少不了要在代码重构这件事情上好好表现一把了.本文将通过代码演示,功能截图来详细介绍AS为代码重构提供的各项功能. 在AS的主菜单栏中有一项“Refactor”下拉菜单,点击该下拉菜单,会看到如下的界面,菜单中的每一项,都是为代码重构提供的一项自动实…
所需文件地址如下:   1.下载微信开发工具0.7.0_x64 安装完成后,打开程序,进行微信扫码登录 2.下载微信开发工具0.9.092300_x64 注意:版本一定要是0.9.092300,小于这个版本,打开程序会白屏 安装(覆盖0.7.0的版本),不要打开程序 3.下载破解文件 进行如下文件的替换 \package.nw\app\dist\components\create\createstep.js…
In the previous code, both categories and bookmarks are binded to $rootscope, or let says the same scope. eggly-app.js: angular.module('Eggly', [ 'ui.router', 'categories', 'categories.bookmarks' ]) .config(function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider…
Route Instance Let's rewrite our cities routes using a Route Instance. Create a new Route Instance for the '/cities' URL path and assign it to thecitiesRoute variable. var citiesRoute = app.route('/cities'); Move the code from our previous app.get() …
仿照Rails实战:购物网站 教材:5-6 step5:计算总价,做出在nav上显示购物车内product的数量. 遇到的❌: 1. <% sum = 0 %> <% current_cart.cart_items each do |cart_item| %> <% if cart_item.product.price.present? %> <% sum = sum + cart_item.quantity * cart_item.product.price %…
When we start to accumulate functions that all work on a given datatype, we end up creating a bunch of boilerplate code in almost every function to handle the changes we need to make to our records’ values. This can lead to not only undesirable boile…
Allow the base toggle to be a tag (<toggle>) or attribute (<div toggle>). The <toggle> component has become less opinionated about the view, but has now taken on some responsibilities managing state. We’ll decouple the state management p…
0. 代码坏味道 Large Class,过大的类:Large method,过长的(成员)函数: 1. 基本内涵 在不改变代码外在行为的前提下对代码做出修改,以改进代码的内部结构的过程. -- <重构>(Martin Fowler) 只是为什么要修改已经能够工作的内部结构呢?代码模块的能够工作不是唯一要求.每一个软件模块都具有三种职责. 第一个职责是能运行起来所完成的功能,这也当然是模块得以存在的原因: 完成功能: 第二个职责是应对变化,几乎所有的模块在它们的生命周期中都要变化,开发者有责任…
In this lesson we'll look at React PowerPlug's <List /> component by refactoring a normal class component with state and handlers to a functional component powered by React PowerPlug. import React from "react"; import { render } from "…
This lesson takes the concept of render props and migrates it over to streaming props by keeping the same example and simple refactoring the Togglecomponent which handles the render prop. const ToggleStream = componentFromStream(props$ => { const { h…
After understanding how Box is, then we are going to see how to use Box to refacotr code, to un-nested expression. For example, we have code: const moneyToFloat = str => { const cost = str.replace(/\$/g, ''); return parseFloat(cost); } const percentT…
Promise chains can be a powerful way to handle a series of transformations to the results of an async call. In some cases, additional promises are required along the way. In cases where there are no new promises, function composition can reduce the n…
提取变量(比如一个函数会返回一个变量值):ctrl + alt + v(v:variable) 将某段代码封装为一个函数(函数+函数调用):ctrl + alt + m(m:method)…
VS中设置项目的编译后事件命令(此命令会在程序集生成后自动在原位置加密,覆盖原来的程序集): "C:\Program Files (x86)\Eziriz\.NET Reactor\dotNET_Reactor.Console.exe" -file "$(TargetPath)" -targetfile "<AssemblyLocation>\<AssemblyFileName>"…
一.重命名 用shift + F6 或者右键单击 二.抽取方法 .三.生成变量 . 四.文件移动复制和删除 可以右键… Explaining What Action And Func Are In C#, Action and Func are extremely useful tools for reducing duplication in code and decreasing coupling. It is a shame that many develo…
下面列表中为我当前机器上visual studio 2008所有DTE.ExecuteCommand命令的内容: 其中:Build.开头对应“编译”菜单下命令(如:Build.RebuildSolution为重新编译整个解决方案) Debug.开头对应“调试”菜单下命令(如:Debug.Start为重新编译整个解决方案) 最后面的2个命令是自己为vs2008写的插件时新增的命令项: TGAssist.Connect.TGAssist        MyToolsAddIn.Connect.Bui…
1.关心你的技艺 Care About Your Craft 如果不在乎能否漂亮地开发出软件,你又为何要耗费生命去开发软件呢? 2.思考!你的工作 Think! About Your Work 关掉自动驾驶仪,接管操作.不断的批评和评估你的工作. 3.提供各种选择,不要找蹩脚的借口 Provide Options,Don't Make Lame Excuses 要提供各种选择,而不是找借口.不要说事情做不到:说明能够做什么. 4.不要容忍破窗户 Don't Live with Broken Wi…