Just like the State ADT an Array is also an Applicative Functor. That means we can do the same tricks with liftA2 with Array that we have been doing with State. While the Applicative aspect of State allows use to combine multiple stateful transitions…
After you understand how C-level extensibility works in Dreamweaver and its dependency on certain data types and functions, it’s useful to know how to build a library and call a function. The following example requires the following five files, locat…
以下内容主要摘自[1,2] (1)In javascript, functions are first-class objects, which means functions can be used in a first-class manner like objects, since they are in fact objects themselves: They can be “stored in variables, passed as arguments to functions,…
JavaScript学习09 函数本质及Function对象深入探索 在JavaScript中,函数function就是对象. JS中没有方法重载 在JavaScript中,没有方法(函数)重载的概念. 例子: <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> function add(number) { alert(number + 20); } function add(number, number1)…
19.JSON 概念:JavaScript 对象表示法(JavaScript Object Notation),是一种轻量级的数据交换格式  特点:易于程序员编写和查看:易于计算机解析和生成 数据结构:Object对象格式   { key: value , key: value } Array数组格式   [ value , value ] Eg:  var json = ' { "   " : ''  '' } '    (内部双引号,外部单引号) * JSON - 支持独立的&qu…
之前看了好多代码,都有用到这种函数的写法,但是都没认真的去想为什么会这样写,今天开始想学习下jquery的源码,发现jquery也是使用这种方式,用(function(window, undefined){})(window)包裹内部代码,于是进一步的去学习了下. 要理解立即执行函数(function(){})(),先了解些函数的基本概念(函数声明.函数表达式.匿名函数). 函数声明:使用function声明函数,并指定函数名. function setFn() { // coding } 函数…
javascript中的立即执行函数(function(){…})() 深入理解javascript中的立即执行函数,立即执行函数也叫立即调用函数,通常它的写法是用(function(){…})()包住业务代码,使用jquery时比较常见. ( function(){…} )()和( function (){…} () )是两种javascript立即执行函数的常见写法,最初我以为是一个括号包裹匿名函数,再在后面加个括号调用函数,最后达到函数定义后立即执行的目的,后来发现加括号的原因并非如此.要…
javascript 转化一个数字数组为function数组(每个function都弹出相应的数字) var arrNum = [2,3,4,5,6,10,7]; var arrFun = []; function change(arr){ var fun = function(val){ return function(){ return val; }; } for(var i=0;i<arr.length;i++){ arrFun.push(fun(arr[i])); } return ar…
how to disabled alert function in javascript alert 阻塞主线程 default alert; // ƒ alert() { [native code] } alert(`1`); OK alert(`1`); // alert: 1 // true alert; // ƒ (n){try{console.log("alert: "+n)}catch(t){}return!0} window.alert = function(n){ tr…
As you know, JavaScript is the number one programming language in the world, the language of the web, of mobile hybrid apps (like PhoneGap or Appcelerator), of the server side (like NodeJS or Wakanda) and has many other implementations. It’s also the…