admire, admit】的更多相关文章

admire 当别人admire你时,小心掉进泥潭(mire).词源:to wonder. wonderful夸人,awful骂人,awesome夸人.admiral与admire词源不同,碰巧长得像. 近/反义词: adore, awe, esteem; abhor, detest 1. If you admire sb from afar, you are attracted to them without letting them know.2. If you have a crush o…
A spectre is haunting Europe – the spectre of communism. All the powers of old Europe have entered into a holy alliance to exorcise this spectre: Pope and Tsar, Metternich and Guizot, French Radicals and German police-spies. Where is the party in opp…
#瓦登尔湖词频统计: import string path = 'D:/python3/Walden.txt' with open(path,'r',encoding= 'utf-8') as text: words = [raw_word.strip(string.punctuation).lower() for raw_word in] words_index = set(words) counts_dict = {index:words.count(…
If you’re a writer or artist, you understand the power of location when it comes to creativity and finding inspiration. Looking for a place that will get your juices flowing? Here are 15 common places that can inspire your creativity. 1. Libraries an…
      he University of Virginia American Studies Program 2002-2003.                     Randy Pausch's Last Lecture: Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams Given at Carnegie Mellon University Tuesday, September 18, 2007 McConomy Auditorium For more i…
abandon vt.丢弃:放弃,抛弃 ability n.能力:能耐,本领 abnormal a.不正常的:变态的 aboard ad.在船(车)上:上船 abroad ad.(在)国外:到处 absence n.缺席,不在场:缺乏 absent a.不在场的:缺乏的 absolute a.绝对的:纯粹的 absolutely ad.完全地:绝对地 absorb vt.吸收:使专心 abstract a.抽象的 n.摘要 abundant a.丰富的:大量的 abuse vt.滥用:虐待 n.…
转自 一.概述 除了正常运行模式,ECMAscript 5添加了第二种运行模式:"严格模式"(strict mode).顾名思义,这种模式使得Javascript在更严格的条件下运行. 设立"严格模式"的目的,主要有以下几个: - 消除Javascript语法的一些不合理.不严谨之处,减少一些怪异行为; - 消除代码运行的一些不安全之处…
作为连词的时候,although 和 though 是可以互换的.Although 一般被认为更加正式一些.比如,以下的这些句子: Growth in Europe is maintaining momentum, although the risks related to peripheral economies have increase. [Globe and Mail] Unlike the other comparisons, however, this one is apt, tho…
今天看了一下Brian Harry大叔的博客,才发现2016年3月17日,是Team Foundation Server的10岁生日. Today marks the 10th anniversary of the day we shipped the first version of TFS – TFS 2005. It doesn’t seem that long ago but we sure have come a long way. The other day I recorded a…
Engish version copied from here Why This Document? As editor of the Jargon File and author of a few other well-known documents of similar nature, I often get email requests from enthusiastic network newbies asking (in effect) "how can I learn to be a…
Do you feel like you've lost confidence in yourself? Have you had strong self doubts? Perhaps you were very successful once, but now, after 3+ years of recession, massive job losses, evaporation of retirement savings, a government that seems to not c…
Stock Chase Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 1787    Accepted Submission(s): 579 Problem Description I have to admit, the solution I proposed last year for solving the bank cash c…
原文链接: Introduction When you hear the word persistence in programming, most often, you think of an application saving its data to some type of storage, such as a database, so that the…
首先观看数据: l  数据的基本特征用  describe  描述每个基本特征 l  画图画出每个特征的基本统计图 应用import matplotlib.pylab as pl  画图显示 l  关于特征值特别大的数据集  :可能对结果产生权重的等级影响  所以尽量将数据进行归一化   特征值归一化的原因: 1:看数据范围看看是否可以归一化 Aum 归一化   虽然等级已经有过归一化这个方向: l  :看看数据是否完整()  想到对后续目标的完整度处理 由于一般的模型对于空值来讲不符合模型的,…
iOS: How To Make AutoLayout Work On A ScrollView Posted on June 11th, 2014 Ok, I’ll admit. I’ve been seriously struggling with AutoLayout ever since it’s been introduced. I understand the concept, and I LOVE the idea of it, but when I actually do it,…
这个是备忘录,原网页: , 被共党的网上长城无辜的墙掉.(希望有…
Artificial intelligence, revealed Yann LeCunJoaquin Quiñonero Candela It's 8:00 am on a Tuesday morning. You've awoken, scanned the headlines on your phone, responded to an online post, ordered a holiday sweater for your mom, locked up the house, and…
在了解数位dp之前,先来看一个问题: 例1.求a~b中不包含49的数的个数. 0 < a.b < 2*10^9 注意到n的数据范围非常大,暴力求解是不可能的,考虑dp,如果直接记录下数字,数组会开不起,该怎么办呢?要用到数位dp. 数位dp一般应用于: 求出在给定区间[A,B]内,符合条件P(i)的数i的个数. 条件P(i)一般与数的大小无关,而与 数的组成 有关. 这样,我们就要考虑一些特殊的记录方法来做这道题.一般来说,要保存给定数的每个位置的数.然后要记录的状态为当前操作数的位数,剩下的…
好的工具&资源,会带来更多的灵感.本期 Weekly 精选了一些实用的 iOS,Android 的使用工具和源码分享,还有前端.UI方面的干货.一起来看下:) Swift 开源项目精选 由@SwiftLanguage分享. "基于<Swift 语言指南>开源项目收录,做了一个甄别.筛选,并辅以一句话介绍.来源 GitHub: "Github 的 Swift 库已尽收眼底,简洁明了,还在不断更新中正在学习 Swift 的同学不要错过-->>S…
New material for the thisseries is coming more slowly. I am beginning to get into areas where I want tostart posting screen shots of internal Google tools and describe how ourinfrastructure works. This is material that takes longer to develop and als… After my previous article on Stored Procedures was published on SitePoint, I received quite a number of comments. One of them suggested further elaboration on CURSOR, an important feature in…
声明 设计概述 JNI接口函数和指针 加载和链接本地方法 解析本地方法名 本地方法的参数 引用Java对象 全局和局部引用 实现局部引用 访问Java对象 访问基本类型数组 访问域和方法 报告编程错误 Java异常 异常和错误代码 异步异常 异常的处理 JNI的类型和数据结构 基本类型 引用类型 域ID和方法ID 值类型 类型签名 UTF-8字符串 JNI函数 接口函数表 版本信息 调用实例方法 CalltypeMethod例程 CalltypeMethodA例程 CalltypeMethodV…
I went to observe 0CTF and 0CON on 4.22 ~ 4.24 and just come back. Not only do I learn a lot from these two activities, but also I have thought a lot. Also, People there giving speechs and pwning the game help me extend my eyereach. First, I must say…
参考的地址是 何谓 “热部署”? “Hot Code Replace” (HCR) 就是在运行中的JVM中更改Java类并立即呈现效果, 在这个过程中不需要重启你的应用. HCR 是整个 Java Platform Debugger Architecture (JPDA) 的一部分, 几乎所有…
   当使用coredata作为app的后台数据存储介质后,我们很想知道数据是否成功插入.为此,我想找到coredata.sqlite的文件 代码中指定的存储目录为: - (NSURL *)applicationDocumentsDirectory {       return [[[NSFileManagerdefaultManager] URLsForDirectory:NSDocumentDirectoryinDomains:NSUserDomainMask] lastObject]; }…
You Can Do Research Too I was recently discussing gatekeeping and the process of getting started in CS research with a close friend. I feel compelled to offer a note. As a practicing academic researcher, I’m personally thrilled by the degree of excit…
第四部分     推理题 1.世界上每个角落的每个人都有立场,都有背景,都有推理性,能推理出一个人语言的真意,才成就了真正的推理能力: 2.换言之,如果你能通过一个人的说话推理出其身份职业,你的推理能力更上一层楼. 一 . 临门一脚 1. “I believe in human ingenuity – that when we decide on a task to be done, no matter how daunting it may seem at the beginning, we…
abide by(=be faithful to ; obey vt)忠于:遵守. a) Plese feel assured we will abide by our promise. 2. be absent from…缺席 a) He is seldom absent from school. 3. absence of mind(=being absent-minded) 心不在焉 a) Absence of mind in chemical experiments may cause…
LR 脚本为空的解决方法: 1.去掉ie设置中的第三方支持取消掉 2.在系统属性-高级-性能-数据执行保护中,添加loadrunner安装目录中的vugen.exe文件 遇到flight界面为空的解决的可能方法:1.如果安装了IE以外的浏览器,并且IE不是默认浏览器,则无法生成录制脚本2.如果录制脚本时IE不能 打开,则需要将浏览器的IE工具高级选项中,将“启用第三方浏览器扩展”的勾选去掉3.lr自带的webtours系统,如果点击Flights选项,出 现空白页面,请检查本机oracle的 P…
一:LoadRunner常见问题整理 1.LR 脚本为空的解决方法: 1.去掉ie设置中的第三方支持取消掉 2.在系统属性-高级-性能-数据执行保护中,添加loadrunner安装目录中的vugen.exe文件. 有可能是由于录制的URL地址采用的是localhost的问题,改成分配的IP地址或127.0.0.1试试. 3.插入文本检查点步骤时,使用web_reg_find,通常TextPfx和TextSfx中会包含双引号,需要进行转义(用斜杠),例如: web_reg_find("Search…