今天在使用Redis的时候出现以下错误: QForkMasterInit: system error caught. error code=0x000005af, message=VirtualAllocEx failed. 主要原因是磁盘吃紧. 具体解决方法是: redis的conf文件设置参数maxheap和maxmemory. maxmemory 120MB maxheap 180MB maxmemory和maxheap根据自己的电脑配置而定,通常情况下: maxheap  = 1.5 *…
I try to run sample application as stated here : http://hyperledger-fabric.readthedocs.io/en/release/write_first_app.html Everything looks good until I ran this command : node registerUser Error : Store path:/Users/johndoe/Desktop/myProject/fabric-sa…
MySQL报错详细日志 2019-09-12 16:42:29 [http-nio-80-exec-25] DEBUG [org.springframework.jdbc.support.SQLErrorCodeSQLExceptionTranslator:399] - Translating SQLException with SQL state '42000', error code '1064', message [You have an error in your SQL syntax;…
  一台老旧的数据库服务器(SQL Server 2005)突然报如下错误,而且数据库处于RECOVERY PENDING ,检查错误日志,发现这个错误是突然出现的.没有任何其它人为误操作导致 Date        2019/4/15 10:57:47   Log     SQL Server (Archive #1 - 2019/4/15 11:16:00)       Source      spid2s       Message   LogWriter: Operating syste…
一:问题  targets中证书的设置 1.项目支持多设备(Xcode5.1.1支持低版本) 2.真机测试要确保Code Siging 设置没问题 支持的最低版本 二 :问题:image  not found Library not loaded: /System/Library/Frameworks/AdSupport.framework/AdSupport   Referenced from: /var/mobile/Applications/0083F6DD-6466-48B4-8F6D-…
Error: Error SSL Required Code: 403 Error Message If the 'services' Web directory for ArcGIS is set to 'Require Encrypted Web Access', the following error message is returned: "ErrorSSL RequiredCode: 403". Cause The 'services' Web directory for…
D:\code\项目仓库目录>git push origin HEAD:refs/for/dev/wangteng/XXXXX key_load_public: invalid format Enumerating objects: , done. Counting objects: % (/), done. Delta compression threads Compressing objects: % (/), done. Writing objects: % (/), 30.61 KiB…
Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=3840 "The operation couldn’t be completed. (Cocoa error 3840.)" (Unescaped control character around character 1419.) UserInfo=0x1563cdd0 {NSDebugDescription=Unescaped control character around character 1419.}…
Error Domain=kCLErrorDomain Code=0 "The operation couldn’t be completed. (kCLErrorDomain error 0.)" 输出了这个erro 其实是模拟器故障,把模拟器退出了,然后重新run一下就好了…
标题:IOS8解决获取位置坐标信息出错(Error Domain=kCLErrorDomain Code=0) 前几天解决了在ios8上无法使用地址位置服务的问题,最近在模拟器上调试发现获取位置坐标信息的时候会报错,错误信息: didFailWithError: Error Domain=kCLErrorDomain Code=0 “The operation couldn’t be completed. (kCLErrorDomain error 0.)”. 出错原因是xcode里面的proj…