错误信息: Module build failed: ValidationError: PostCSS Loader Invalid Options options['useConfigFile'] is an invalid additional property 解决方案[安装postcss-loader包]: npm install --D postcss-loader@2.1.1…
codis3.2安装报错dashboard.go:369: [PANIC] call rpc create-proxy to dashboard failed的处理 执行以下命令时报错:# pwd/usr/local/go/work/src/github.com/CodisLabs/codis # ./bin/codis-admin --dashboard= --create-proxy -x [root@node1 codis]# ./bin/codis-adm…
VMware station 安装报错 failed to install the hcmon driver 1.将 C:\Windows\System32\drivers 下的hcmon.sys改名 2.重启电脑 3.重新安装VMware station即可 附上12.5.2的SN 12.5.2VF5XA-FNDDJ-085GZ-4NXZ9-N20E6UC5MR-8NE16-H81WY-R7QGV-QG2D8ZG1WH-ATY96-H80QP-X7PEX-Y30V4AA3E0-0VDE1-08…
一.pip安装出错类型 1.1 pip版本过旧导致不能安装 报错提示: You are using pip version 9.0.3, however version 10.0.1 is available. You should consider upgrading via the 'python -m pip install --upgrade pip' comm and. 可通过以下命令升级pip python -m pip install --upgrade pip 1.2 官方的Py…
mydumper 官网:https://launchpad.net/mydumper 下载之后,安装报错: [root@localhost local]# cd mydumper-0.6.2 [root]# [root]# ls binlog.c CMakeCache.txt common.h docs g_unix_signal.h myloader.c Processing server_detect.c binlog.h CMakeFiles config.h Finished mydum…
python3 pip 安装Scrapy在win10 安装报错error: Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 is required. Get it with "Microsoft Visual C++ Build Tools": http://landinghub.visualstudio.com/visual-cpp-build-tools   问题描述 当前环境win10,python_3.6.1,64位. 在windows下,在dos中运行pip instal…
树莓派 mongodb 安装&报错处理 编译过的源码下载地址: http://files.cnblogs.com/files/xueshanshan/mongodb-rpi.zip adduser –firstuid –ingroup nogroup –shell /etc/false –disabled-password –gecos "" –no-create-home mongodb cp -R mongodb-rpi/mongo /opt chmod +x /opt/m…
源码安装 zabbix 报错总结 1)报错: configure: error: MySQL library not found 解决办法 # find / -name "mysql_config" /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql_config # ./configure --with-mysql=/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql_config 2)报错:configure: error: LIBXML2 library not found 解…
Python报错module 'scipy.misc' has no attribute 'imresize' 解决办法: 安装Pillow包,命令如下: pip install Pillow 然后重启python环境 Python报错module 'scipy.misc' has no attribute 'imread' 解决办法: 大部分解决办法都是说没有安装PIL第三方库,库名现在为Pillow,推荐直接使用命令pip install Pillow进行安装,但是我的问题并没有因此得到解决…
之前安装 Microsoft Sql Server 2012 R2 的时候总是报这样的错误: SQL Server Setup has encountered the following error: The SQL Server license agreement cannot be located for the selected edition, enterprise. This could be a result of corrupted media or the edition bei…