原文:https://forum.xda-developers.com/p8lite/general/alternative-method-unlocking-bootloader-t3799294 1. If you do not have Android 5.0, do a downgrade. How to go on Android 5.0 (downgrade): 1. Download Rollback and B170, 2. Unpack the rollback and upl…
Error Message: The Execute method on the task returned error code 0x80131621 (Mixed mode assembly is built against version 'v2.0.50727' of the runtime and cannot be loaded in the 4.0 runtime without additional configuration information.). The Execute…
视觉算法在智能审核系统上的演进与实践 刘天悦 贝壳找房 / 资深工程师 https://static001.geekbang.org/con/56/pdf/1088777747/file/%E8%A7%86%E8%A7%89%E7%AE%97%E6%B3%95%E5%9C%A8%E6%99%BA%E8%83%BD%E5%AE%A1%E6%A0%B8%E7%B3%BB%E7%BB%9F%E4%B8%8A%E7%9A%84%E6%BC%94%E8%BF%9B%E4%B8%8E%E5%AE%9E%E8…
    系列文章目录:     使用Fortify进行代码静态分析(系列文章) Unused Method(不再使用的方法)    示例:  private bool checkLevel(string abilitySeqno, string result) { return hrDutyexamProjectAbilityDS.CheckImportLevel(abilitySeqno, result); }   Fortify解释: The method checkLevel() in A…
第7章 高级概念 The Code First modeling functionality that you have seen so far should be enough to get you up and running with most applications. However, Code First also includes some more advanced functionality that you may require as your needs advance.…
原文地址:http://www.studytrails.com/frameworks/spring/spring-remoting-rmi.jsp Concept Overview Spring provides four ways to develop remote services. Remote services are services hosted on remote servers and accessed by clients over the network. For examp…
BookNote: Refactoring - Improving the Design of Existing Code From "Refactoring - Improving the Design of Existing Code" by Martin Flower. BookNote: Refactoring - Improving the Design of Existing Code Duplicated Code Long Method Large Class Long…
https://code.google.com/p/vsprog/ CLI program support USB_TO_XXX of Versaloon. Support AVR_ISP/JTAG, S51_ISP, C8051F_JTAG/C2, STM32_ISP, MSP430_JTAG, PSOC_ISSP, SVF_PLAYER. https://code.google.com/p/usbprog/ Open Hardware USB Programmer https://code.…
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION The present invention relates to processors and computer systems. More specifically, the present invention relates to an object-oriented processor architecture and operating method. A conventional central processing unit (…
这篇文章很有价值,但翻译了一段,实在翻译不下去了,没办法,只能转载了. 英文地址:http://blogs.msdn.com/b/adonet/archive/2014/10/21/ef7-what-does-code-first-only-really-mean.aspx A while back we blogged about our plans to make EF7 a lightweight and extensible version of EF that enables new…
了解更多关于bootloader 的C语言实现,请加我QQ: 1273623966 (验证信息请填 bootloader),欢迎咨询或定制bootloader(在线升级程序). 从15年12月份以来我的空余时间都在折腾15年底买的PIC32MZ EC Starter kit.并陆续写了十多篇随笔记录我折腾的历程.最近新完成的是用C语言实现了PIC32的UART bootloader, 采用串口通信,适用于Microchip的PIC32MZ EC,稍作对应的修改也可适用于PIC32MX, PIC3…
catalogue . Java xStream . DynamicProxyConverter . java.beans.EventHandler . RCE via XStream object deserialization . Standard way to serialize and deserialize Objects with XStream . SECURITY- / CVE-- . What to do about it 0. 利用方式跟踪 目前为止,已知有两个触发方式 xs…
Understanding how Java code is compiled into byte code and executed on a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is critical because it helps you understand what is happening as your program executes. This understanding not only ensures that language features mak…
Method overloading is the process of implementing Polymorphism in Object-Oriented Programming. A method can be overloaded on the basis of type of parameters, number of parameters, and an order of parameters. As we know, WCF code is always coded on OO…
selection.call() method in D3 can aid in code organization and flexibility by eliminating the need to use chained method calls for every operation. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head lang="en"> <meta charset="UTF-8">…
The Valentine's Day is coming. Here is an auto-input method and you may use it to send multiple words repeatedly. For example, you may either send 999 "I love you." to your lover... Or you may send couples into library to devote themselves for o…
https://blog.csdn.net/mhmyqn/article/details/47342577 https://www.cnblogs.com/strinkbug/p/5019453.html 在看spring-mvc的源码的时候,看到在解析handler方法时,有关于获取桥接方法代码,不明白什么是桥接方法,经过查找资料,终于理解了什么是桥接方法. 什么是桥接方法 桥接方法是 JDK 1.5 引入泛型后,为了使Java的泛型方法生成的字节码和 1.5 版本前的字节码相兼容,由编译器自…
[Java] Design Pattern:Code Shape - manage your code shape Code Shape Design Pattern Here I will introduce a design pattern: Code Shape. It's fine that you never heard that, I just created it. Usage In the enterprise application development, in most c…
http://clrprofiler.codeplex.com/ http://blogs.msdn.com/b/davbr/archive/2012/11/19/clrprofiler-4-5-released-includes-windows-store-app-support.aspx Rewrite MSIL Code on the Fly with the .NET Framework Profiling API Aleksandr Mikunov This article assum…
https://github.com/stretchr/testify Testify - Thou Shalt Write Tests    Go code (golang) set of packages that provide many tools for testifying that your code will behave as you intend. Features include: Easy assertions Mocking Testing suite interfac…
Back to Frameworks Integrate Your Code with the Frameworks When you develop an app for OS X or iOS, you won’t be on your own. You’ll be drawing on the work done by Apple and others, on the classes they’ve developed and collected in Objective-C framew…
When coding a web system, you have to think about an important problem, how to map urls to logic. Openstack use routes to solve this problem. What is routes Routes is a python package used to map urls to program logic. Normally this is the web framew…
A method and system for obfuscating computer code of a program to protect it from the adverse effects of malware is provided. The obfuscation system retrieves an executable form of the computer code. The obfuscation system then selects various obfusc…
A system and method in one embodiment includes modules for detecting an access attempt to a critical address space (CAS) of a guest operating system (OS) that has implemented address space layout randomization in a hypervisor environment, identifying…
The bind() method was added in ESMAScript 5, but it is easy to simulate in ESMAScrpt 3. As its name implies, the primary purpose of bind() is to bind a function to an object. When you invoke the bind() method on a function f and pass an object o,the…
ecently discovered a neat new way to back up apps on my Android without having to use Titanium Backup, having to unlock bootloader or root the device to take a NANDroid snapshot. The icing on the cake - I can do it from command line! Warning: this me…
To Enable the Developer and Performance settings on CyanogenMod 10.1 In the Settings app, choose the About Phone (or About Tablet) option.Scroll down, and tap the Build number seven times. On the seventh tap, you will be notified that "You are now a…
文章转载自:https://madaidans-insecurities.github.io/guides/linux-hardening.html 1. Choosing the right Linux distribution ​ There are many factors that go into choosing a good Linux distribution. ​ Avoid distributions that freeze packages as they are often…
1. Caucho 1.1 概况 spring-remoting代码的情况如下: 本节近分析caucho模块. 1.2 分类 其中以hession为例,Hessian远程服务调用过程: Hessian远程服务调用过程 1.2.1 客户端 BurlapProxyFactoryBean,BurlapClientInterceptor: HessianProxyFactoryBean,HessianClientInterceptor: HessianProxyFactoryBean继承自Hessian…
概要 本章对“公平锁”的获取锁机制进行介绍(本文的公平锁指的是互斥锁的公平锁),内容包括:基本概念ReentrantLock数据结构参考代码获取公平锁(基于JDK1.7.0_40)一. tryAcquire()二. addWaiter()三. acquireQueued()四. selfInterrupt()“公平锁”的释放锁的机制在后面一章再做介绍,锁的使用示例请参考“Java多线程系列--“JUC锁”02之 互斥锁ReentrantLock”. 转载请注明出处:http://www.cnbl…