@objc vs @objc dynamic @objc: Objective-C entry points One can explicitly write @objc on any Swift declaration that can be expressed in Objective-C. @objc dynamic:入口+动态派发机制.using the Objective-C message send mechanism. dynamic no longer infers @objc…
Some Objective-C APIs—like target-action—accept method or property names as parameters, then use those names to dynamically call or access the methods or properties. In Swift, you use the #selector and #keyPath expressions to represent those method o…
@objc and dynamic Objective-C runtime visibility and the depths of dynamic dispatch in the modern Swift era. 5 December 2017 ∙ Objective-C Interop ∙ written by Greg Heo The @objc attribute controls visibility of Swift bits from Objective-C. It’s ba…
感觉自己给自己释疑,也是一个极为有趣的过程.这次,我还新增了"猜想"一栏,来尝试回答一些暂时没有足够资料支撑的问题. Swift 版本是:4.0.3.不同版本的 Swift,可能无法复现问题. 个人记录,仅供参考,不保证严格意义上的正确性. swift 中,如何在函数内,声明 static 变量 ? 问题描述: 以下语句,是编译不过的,提示:"static properties may only be declared on a type" func add() -…
realm swift调研: After you have added the object to the Realm you can continue using it, and all changes you make to it will be persisted (and must be made within a write transaction). Any changes are made available to other threads that use the same R…