The main reasons why hydraulic motors have this symmetrical internal structure are as follows: The     Hydraulic Motor manufacturers    states: 1. Because this product is in use, it needs to be able to achieve forward and reverse. In order to achieve…
DFT测试中,最重要的部分还是sequential circuit的内部状态的测试. 起初ad hoc的方法用来提高testability,可以提高局部的coverage,但并不是一个系统性的方法. structure的DFT方法,scan design被提出. ah hoc的方法主要是利用一些guide line和practice的经验来replacing bad design,主要的技术有: 1)insert test point; 2)avoid async set/reset for s…
以OpenERP7.0中的 hr_expense 模块为例: 如图中代码所示: :和普通 Python 模块中的 作用相同,主要用于引用模块根目录下的.py文件,是每个OpenERP 模块必须的.(注意,前后均是两个下划线) :OpenERP 模块特有的,详细内容见后文,是每个OpenERP 模块必须的 :费用单对象定义文件,Python代码.hr_expense_view.xml :费用单对象…
The cycloidal hydraulic motor is a small low-speed, high-torque hydraulic motor with a shaft-distributed insert and stator-rotor pair. How to deal with the failures often occurring in the use of cycloidal hydraulic motors, the    Hydraulic Motor manu…
2.21-(2.7论文引出)傅里叶对开关磁通电机建模 Modeling of Flux Switching Permanent Magnet Machines With Fourier Analysis     1.介绍了FSPM电机,磁路计算法MEC(计算粗糙,磁通路径在旋转或改变几何参数时发生变化),提出了傅里叶分解建立电机模型的办法,通过空间映射进行电机设计方案的优化.     2.分析假想条件:铁心磁导率无限大.软磁材料边界采用诺伊曼边界条件.轴向长度无限制(不考虑端部效应,采用二维极坐…
I collect and make up this pseudocode from the book: <<Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms_Second Edition>> _ Anany Levitin Note that throughout the paper, we assume that inputs to algorithms fall within their specified range…
catalog . 引言 . sandbox introduction . Sandboxie . seccomp(short for secure computing mode): API级沙箱 . 利用do_syscall_trace一次性对所有系统调用进行Hook监控 . cuckoo . Detux . remnux . Noriben Malware Analysis Sandbox . Limon Sandbox for Analyzing Linux Malwares . 基于do…
目录 . 漏洞描述 . 漏洞触发条件 . 漏洞影响范围 . 漏洞代码分析 . 防御方法 . 攻防思考 1. 漏洞描述 Use Drupal to build everything from personal blogs to enterprise applications. Thousands of add-on modules and designs let you build any site you can imagine. Join us!Drupal是使用PHP语言编写的开源内容管理框… Chromium‎ > ‎Chromium Security‎ > ‎ Technical analysis of client identification mechanisms Written by Artur Janc <> and Michal Zalewski <lcamtuf@g…
PrimeTime PX工具是PrimeTime工具内的一个feature. PTPX的功耗分析,可以报告出chip,block,cell的各个level的功耗. 使用PTPX可以分析的功耗的方式: 1)Average power analysis,支持activity的propagation方式,主要用在项目早期做评估. 可以是defaults,user_defined,derived from HDL simulation的switching文件. 2)Time-based power an…
The articles in this series are focused on individual Business Analysts and their managers. Global And Local Challenges Business… Many years ago, I attended a meeting held by a new CEO of an oil company. I was a stockholder and anticipated…
Computational Methods in Bayesian Analysis Computational Methods in Bayesian Analysis  [Markov chain Monte Carlo][Gibbs Sampling][The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm][Random-walk Metropolis-Hastings][Adaptive Metropolis]   About the author This noteboo…
Open source and free log analysis and log management tools. Maintained by Dr. Anton Chuvakin Version 1 created 3/3/2010 Version 1.1 updated 4/15/2010 Version 1.2 updated 10/1/2010 Version 1.3 updated 3/3/2011 This page lists a few popular free open-s…
===================================================== H.264源代码分析文章列表: [编码 - x264] x264源代码简单分析:概述 x264源代码简单分析:x264命令行工具(x264.exe) x264源代码简单分析:编码器主干部分-1 x264源代码简单分析:编码器主干部分-2 x264源代码简单分析:x264_slice_write() x264源代码简单分析:滤波(Filter)部分 x264源代码简单分析:宏块分析(Anal…
===================================================== H.264源代码分析文章列表: [编码 - x264] x264源代码简单分析:概述 x264源代码简单分析:x264命令行工具(x264.exe) x264源代码简单分析:编码器主干部分-1 x264源代码简单分析:编码器主干部分-2 x264源代码简单分析:x264_slice_write() x264源代码简单分析:滤波(Filter)部分 x264源代码简单分析:宏块分析(Anal…
Created by Dhivya Arasappan, last modified by Dennis C Wylie on Nov 08, 2015 This pipeline uses an annotated genome to identify differential expressed genes/transcripts. 10 hour minimum ($470 internal, $600 external) per project. 1. Quality Assessmen…
ANALYSIS AND EXPLOITATION OF A LINUX KERNEL VULNERABILITY (CVE-2016-0728) By Perception Point Research Team Introduction The Perception Point Research team has identified a 0-day local privilege escalation vulnerability in the Linux kernel. While the…
Analysis of requirement specification of parking management system PURPOSE OF THE SYSTEM The parking management system refers to the automatic identification device installed at the entrance and exit of the parking area based on the modern electronic…
介绍 Clang的线程安全分析模块是C++语言的一个扩展,能对代码中潜在的竞争条件进行警告.这种分析是完全静态的(即编译时进行),没有运行时的消耗.当前这个功能还在开发中,但它已经具备了足够的成熟度,可以被部署到生产环境中.它由Google开发,同时受到CERT(United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team,美国互联网应急中心)/SEI(Software Engineering Institute,软件工程中心)的协助,并在Google的内部代码…
最近项目中又增加了新的模块,项目的代码又多了不少.运行的时候总是报如下错误 Exception in thread "http-apr-80-exec-6" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space 解决方法: Preference=>myeclipse=>Servers=>tomcat x.x=>JDK Optional Java VM arguments: -Xmx768M -Xms768M -XX:NewSize=…
关于 swift 中的open ,public ,fileprivate,private, internal的区别 以下按照修饰关键字的访问约束范围 从约束的限定范围大到小的排序进行说明 open,public,fileprivate,private,internal 这几个修饰词的作用是用于修饰访问级别的. open,public 对应的级别是该模块或者是引用了该模块的模块可以访问 即 a belong to A , B import A 这两种情况都可以对 a进行访问 public: 类用p…
idea下面报如下问题 error java compilation failed internal java compiler error 解决办法:Setting->Compiler->Java Compiler,发现有的module是1.7的是1.6的,重新删除再导入好了…
最近在使用DDD重新搭建公司内部OA的架构,具体情况搭好了应该会写一下,这里说的是今天遇到的问题. 先简单说一下相关的几个部分: 1.聚合.聚合分成了两个模块:一个包含审批单据等估计至少今年不会怎么变的抽象模型:另外一个包含不同审批单据的实现类,继承至抽象的模块:由于主要是要说这一块,就贴一点部分代码上来,与本随笔要说的无关的部分就省略号了... [DomainAttribute(DomainType = ApplyDomainType.Root, Description = "申请单"…
Tcl internal variables 在Tcl中内置了一些变量,并赋予了一定的功能.内置变量列表如下: 变量名称 功能描述 argc 指命令行参数的个数. argv 指包含命令行参数的列表. argv0 是指被解释的文件或由调用脚本的名称的文件名. env 用于表示是环境变量数组元素. errorCode 为最后的Tcl错误的错误代码. errorInfo 为最后Tcl错误的堆栈跟踪信息. tcl_interactive 分别将其设置为1和0交互和非交互模式之…
今天遇到一个奇怪的问题,拷贝项目后,在修改,会出现F1004 Internal compiler error at 0x9740d99 with base 0x9 ,不管怎么改,删除改动,都没用,关闭c++builder 2010,重启后,还是一样. 折腾好久,重新做项目拷贝,只是把项目名称(包括文件夹)中的 - 改成了 _ 能编译成功,这时我在去改用出错的项目名称,发现又可以编译成功. 这是什么坑啊.......NDY…
使用PlateSpin复制出来的一数据库服务器(Oracle 10g)在启动数据库实例时遇到"ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [4194]....."错误,实例在启动后,会自然Down掉.具体情况如下所示: Successfully onlined Undo Tablespace 54. Mon Nov 21 11:34:03 2016 SMON: enabling tx recovery Mon Nov 21 11:34:03 2…
MDK st-link下载STM32程序出现Internal command error和Error:Flash download failed. Target DLL   是因为目标板的芯片处于休眠的状态,在尝试连接目标板时候也会出现报错Internal command error Flash download failed target dll has been can的现象,解决办法是使目标板退出休眠,即按住reset键再下载程序,看到USB通讯灯闪后一小会儿(自己把握)后放开reset就…
Source: Research gate Stafford Michahial EEG is a very low frequency.. and literature will give us the region where Alpha, Beta, Mu, signals are generated in Brain... and to reduce the complexity and to avoid interference as much as possible.. we go…
catalogue . 静态分析.动态分析.内存镜像分析对比 . Memory Analysis Approach . volatility: An advanced memory forensics framework . github-djteller-MemoryAnalysis . Awesome Malware Analysis Projects 1. 静态分析.动态分析.内存镜像分析对比 0x1: Static Analysis Challenges . Time consuming…