
转自:http://www.jeremydjacksonphd.com/category/deep-learning/ Deep Learning Resources Posted on May 13, 2015   Videos Deep Learning and Neural Networks with Kevin Duh: course page NY Course by Yann LeCun: 2014 version, 2015 version NIPS 2015 Deep Learn…
Adit Deshpande CS Undergrad at UCLA ('19) Blog About The 9 Deep Learning Papers You Need To Know About (Understanding CNNs Part 3) Introduction Link to Part 1Link to Part 2 In this post, we’ll go into summarizing a lot of the new and important develo…
Introduction Deep learning is a recent trend in machine learning that models highly non-linear representations of data. In the past years, deep learning has gained a tremendous momentum and prevalence for a variety of applications (Wikipedia 2016a).…
原文地址:https://github.com/soumith/cvpr2015/blob/master/Deep%20Learning%20with%20Torch.ipynb Deep Learning with Torch: the 60-minute blitz Goal of this talk Understand torch and the neural networks package at a high-level. Train a small neural network o…
Rolling in the Deep (Learning) Deep Learning has been getting a lot of press lately, and is one of the hottest the buzz terms in Tech these days. Just check out one of the few recent headlines from Forbes, MIT Tech Review and you will surely see thes…
最近一直在开发Orchestra Pipeline System,歇两天翻译点文章换换气.这篇文章是无意间看到的,自己从2015年就开始关注机器学习在视效领域的应用了,也曾利用碎片时间做过一些算法移植的工作,所以看到这篇文章的时候很有共鸣,遂决定翻译一下. 原文链接:https://www.fxguide.com/fxfeatured/new-machine-learning-server-for-deep-learning-in-nuke/ 正文: Recent years have seen…
最近在学深度学习相关的东西,在网上搜集到了一些不错的资料,现在汇总一下: Free Online Books  by Yoshua Bengio, Ian Goodfellow and Aaron Courville Neural Networks and Deep Learning42 by Michael Nielsen Deep Learning27 by Microsoft Research Deep Learning Tutorial23 by LISA lab, University…
Deep Learning in a Nutshell: History and Training This series of blog posts aims to provide an intuitive and gentle introduction to deep learning that does not rely heavily on math or theoretical constructs. The first part in this series provided an…
Top Deep Learning Projects A list of popular github projects related to deep learning (ranked by stars). Last Update: 2016.08.09 Project Name Stars Description TensorFlow 29622              Computation using data flow graphs for scalable machine lear…
HOME ABOUT CONTACT SUBSCRIBE VIA RSS   DEEP LEARNING FOR ENTERPRISE Distributed Deep Learning, Part 1: An Introduction to Distributed Training of Neural Networks Oct 3, 2016 3:00:00 AM / by Alex Black and Vyacheslav Kokorin Tweet inShare27   This pos…