题意:一个圆环上有树,猴子上下其中一棵树,再沿着换跑,再上下另一棵树.给出一个区间,问最大的运动距离是. 给出区间大小dst,和数高数组arr. 设区间[x,y],a[x]=2*arr[x]+dst[1]+dst[2]+......dst[x].b[x]=2*arr[x]-dst[1]-dst[2]-......dst[x].[x,y]在线段树中就是a[y]+b[x].线段树分为很多区间,用数组a,b,s,记录当前区间的a,b最大值,s记录该区间里所有的情况中的爬树+路程的最大值,就是两个子区间…
原文链接http://www.cnblogs.com/zhouzhendong/p/8990745.html 题目传送门 - CodeForces 516C 题意 在一个环上,有$n$棵树. 给出每一个树的高度$h_i$以及每一个树距离他顺时针方向后一个树的距离$d_i$. 有$m$次询问,每次,都会有一段连续区间内的树萎掉.请你找两棵树$x,y$,最大化$2(h_x+h_y)+dist(x,y)$.其中$dist(x,y)$为这两棵树的距离,这个距离不能包含萎掉的树. $n,m\leq 10^…
C. Drazil and Park 题目连接: http://codeforces.com/contest/516/problem/C Description Drazil is a monkey. He lives in a circular park. There are n trees around the park. The distance between the i-th tree and (i + 1)-st trees is di, the distance between t…
C - Drazil and Park 每个点有两个值Li 和 Bi,求Li + Rj (i < j) 的最大值,这个可以用线段树巧妙的维护.. #include<bits/stdc++.h> #define LL long long #define fi first #define se second #define mk make_pair #define PII pair<int, int> #define y1 skldjfskldjg #define y2 skld…
题目链接 Drazil and Park 中文题面 传送门 如果他选择了x和y,那么他消耗的能量为dx + dx + 1 + ... + dy - 1 + 2 * (hx + hy). 把这个式子写成这个形式 (d1 + d2 + ... + dy - 1 + 2 * hy) + (2 * hx - (d1 + d2 + ... + dx - 1)) 令(2 * hk - (d1 + d2 + ... + dk - 1)) = Lk     (d1 + d2 + ... + dk - 1 + 2…
B. Drazil and Tiles 题目连接: http://codeforces.com/contest/516/problem/B Description Drazil created a following problem about putting 1 × 2 tiles into an n × m grid: "There is a grid with some cells that are empty and some cells that are occupied. You s…
A. Drazil and Factorial 题目连接: http://codeforces.com/contest/516/problem/A Description Drazil is playing a math game with Varda. Let's define for positive integer x as a product of factorials of its digits. For example, . First, they choose a decimal…
题目链接:http://codeforces.com/contest/515/problem/C 给出一个公式例如:F(135) = 1! * 3! * 5!; 现在给你一个有n位的数字a,让你求这样一个x,满足x中没有0和1,F(a) = F(x),然后就是x要最大. 当x的位数比a多或者从高位开始x的数某一位要大于a的某一位,然后第二种显然是不可能的,所以我们寻找如何把a变长的方法. 例如数字 4! = 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 =3! * 2 * 2 =3! * 2! * 2! 所以当a…
题目链接:http://codeforces.com/problemset/problem/516/B 一个n*m的方格,'*'不能填.给你很多个1*2的尖括号,问你是否能用唯一填法填满方格. 类似topsort,'.'与上下左右的'.',的相连.从度为1的点作为突破口. //#pragma comment(linker, "/STACK:102400000, 102400000") #include <algorithm> #include <iostream>…
B. Drazil and Tiles   Drazil created a following problem about putting 1 × 2 tiles into an n × m grid: "There is a grid with some cells that are empty and some cells that are occupied. You should use 1 × 2 tiles to cover all empty cells and no two ti…
传送门 D. Drazil and Tiles time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes Drazil created a following problem about putting 1 × 2 tiles into an n × m grid: "There is a grid with some cells that are empty and some cells that are occupie…
C. Drazil and Factorial time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Drazil is playing a math game with Varda. Let's define  for positive integer x as a product of factorials of its dig…
A. Drazil and Date 无算法,判断(s - (a + b)) % 2是否为零,若零,表示在s步内还能走向其他的地方并且回来 否则,都是No #include <cstdio> #include <iostream> #include <cstring> #include <cmath> #include <algorithm> #include <string> #include <map> #includ…
Description Drazil created a following problem about putting  ×  tiles into an n × m grid: "There is a grid with some cells that are empty and some cells that are occupied. You should use 1 × 2 tiles to cover all empty cells and no two tiles should c…
Codeforces Round #272 (Div. 2) A. Dreamoon and Stairs time limit per test 1 second memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Dreamoon wants to climb up a stair of n steps. He can climb 1 or 2 steps at each move.…
Codeforces Round #366 (Div. 2) A I hate that I love that I hate it水题 #I hate that I love that I hate it n = int(raw_input()) s = "" a = ["I hate that ","I love that ", "I hate it","I love it"] for i in ran…
Codeforces Round #354 (Div. 2) Problems     # Name     A Nicholas and Permutation standard input/output 1 s, 256 MB    x3384 B Pyramid of Glasses standard input/output 1 s, 256 MB    x1462 C Vasya and String standard input/output 1 s, 256 MB    x1393…
直达–>Codeforces Round #368 (Div. 2) A Brain’s Photos 给你一个NxM的矩阵,一个字母代表一种颜色,如果有”C”,”M”,”Y”三种中任意一种就输出”#Color”,如果只有”G”,”B”,”W”就输出”#Black&White”. #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> using namespace std; const int maxn = 200; const int INF =…
 cf之路,1,Codeforces Round #345 (Div. 2) ps:昨天第一次参加cf比赛,比赛之前为了熟悉下cf比赛题目的难度.所以做了round#345连试试水的深浅.....       其实这个应该是昨天就写完的,不过没时间了,就留到了今天.. 地址:http://codeforces.com/contest/651/problem/A A. Joysticks time limit per test 1 second memory limit per test 256…
Codeforces Round #279 (Div. 2) 做得我都变绿了! Problems     # Name     A Team Olympiad standard input/output 1 s, 256 MB  x2377 B Queue standard input/output 2 s, 256 MB  x1250 C Hacking Cypher standard input/output 1 s, 256 MB  x740 D Chocolate standard in…
Codeforces Round #262 (Div. 2) 1003 C. Present time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Little beaver is a beginner programmer, so informatics is his favorite subject. Soon his info…
Codeforces Round #262 (Div. 2) 1004 D. Little Victor and Set time limit per test 1 second memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Little Victor adores the sets theory. Let us remind you that a set is a group of…
A: 题目大意: 在一个multiset中要求支持3种操作: 1.增加一个数 2.删去一个数 3.给出一个01序列,问multiset中有多少这样的数,把它的十进制表示中的奇数改成1,偶数改成0后和给出的01序列相等(比较时如果长度不等各自用0补齐) 题解: 1.我的做法是用Trie数来存储,先将所有数用0补齐成长度为18位,然后就是Trie的操作了. 2.官方题解中更好的做法是,直接将每个数的十进制表示中的奇数改成1,偶数改成0,比如12345,然后把它看成二进制数10101,还原成十进制是2…
A. Watching a movie time limit per test 1 second memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output You have decided to watch the best moments of some movie. There are two buttons on your player: Watch the current minute…
CF469 Codeforces Round #268 (Div. 2) http://codeforces.com/contest/469 开学了,时间少,水题就不写题解了,不水的题也不写这么详细了. A 水题 //#pragma comment(linker, "/STACK:102400000,102400000") #include<cstdio> #include<cmath> #include<iostream> #include<…
题目传送门 /* 贪心 + 模拟:首先,如果蜡烛的燃烧时间小于最少需要点燃的蜡烛数一定是-1(蜡烛是1秒点一支), num[g[i]]记录每个鬼访问时已点燃的蜡烛数,若不够,tmp为还需要的蜡烛数, 然后接下来的t秒需要的蜡烛都燃烧着,超过t秒,每减少一秒灭一支蜡烛,好!!! 详细解释:http://blog.csdn.net/kalilili/article/details/43412385 */ #include <cstdio> #include <algorithm> #i…
题目传送门 /* 题意:从前面找一个数字和末尾数字调换使得变成偶数且为最大 贪心:考虑两种情况:1. 有偶数且比末尾数字大(flag标记):2. 有偶数但都比末尾数字小(x位置标记) 仿照别人写的,再看自己的代码发现有清晰的思维是多重要 */ #include <cstdio> #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #include <cmath> #include <cstring> #include…
#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main(){ int n; cin >> n; string str; cin >> str; , x = ; ; i < n ; ++ i){ if(str[i] == 'B') cnt+=(x << i); } cout<<cnt<<endl; }   Codeforces Round…
Codeforces Beta Round #80 (Div. 2 Only) A Blackjack1 题意 一共52张扑克,A代表1或者11,2-10表示自己的数字,其他都表示10 现在你已经有一个queen了,问你有多少种方案,能够得到n点 题解 其实只用考虑三种情况,都考虑一下就好了,实在不行就暴力枚举-- 代码 #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int n; int main() { scanf("%d",&…
Codeforces Round #160 (Div. 1) A - Maxim and Discounts 题意 给你n个折扣,m个物品,每个折扣都可以使用无限次,每次你使用第i个折扣的时候,你必须买q[i]个东西,然后他会送你{0,1,2}个物品,但是送的物品必须比你买的最便宜的物品还便宜,问你最少花多少钱,买完m个物品 题解 显然我选择q[i]最小的去买就好了 代码 #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; const int maxn =…