最小最大...又是经典的二分答案做法.. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include<cstdio> #include<cstring> #include<algorithm> #include<iostream> #define rep( i , n ) for( int i = 0 ; i < n ; ++i ) #def…
1734: [Usaco2005 feb]Aggressive cows 愤怒的牛 Time Limit: 5 Sec Memory Limit: 64 MBSubmit: 217 Solved: 175[Submit][Status][Discuss] Description Farmer John has built a new long barn, with N (2 <= N <= 100,000) stalls. The stalls are located along a st…
1734: [Usaco2005 feb]Aggressive cows 愤怒的牛 Description Farmer John has built a new long barn, with N (2 <= N <= 100,000) stalls. The stalls are located along a straight line at positions x1,...,xN (0 <= xi <= 1,000,000,000). His C (2 <= C &l…
[Usaco2005 feb]Aggressive cows 愤怒的牛 Time Limit: 5 Sec Memory Limit: 64 MBSubmit: 407 Solved: 325[Submit][Status][Discuss] Description Farmer John has built a new long barn, with N (2 <= N <= 100,000) stalls. The stalls are located along a straight…
Description Farmer John has built a new long barn, with N (2 <= N <= 100,000) stalls. The stalls are located along a straight line at positions x1,...,xN (0 <= xi <= 1,000,000,000). His C (2 <= C <= N) cows don't like this barn layout an…
水题,20分钟AC,最大值最小,一看就是二分答案... 代码: Description Farmer John has built a <= N <= ,) stalls. The stalls are located along a straight line at positions x1,...,xN ( <= xi <= ,,,). His C ( <= C <= N) cows don't like this barn layout and become ag…
Aggressive cows Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 5436 Accepted: 2720 Description Farmer John has built a new long barn, with N (2 <= N <= 100,000) stalls. The stalls are located along a straight line at positions x1,...…
一道水题WA了这么多次真是.... 统考终于完 ( 挂 ) 了...可以好好写题了... 先floyd跑出各个点的最短路 , 然后二分答案 m , 再建图. 每个 farm 拆成一个 cow 点和一个 shelter 点, 然后对于每个 farm x : S -> cow( x ) = cow( x ) 数量 , shelter( x ) -> T = shelter( x ) 容量 ; 对于每个dist( u , v ) <= m 的 cow( u ) -> shelter( v…