… CONTENTS Introduction How to serve the file for download How to create a PDF document How to add paragraphs and spaces in between How to add a table How t… First off I want to clarify that the subject of this post is not my idea as it is something that my friend Roman Kobzarev put together for his co…
I have found two primary libraries for programmatically manipulating PDF files;  PdfBox and iText. These are both Java libraries, but I needed something I could use with C#. Well, as it turns out there is an implementation of each of these libraries…
namespace GeovinDu.PdfViewer { [DefaultProperty("FilePath")] [ToolboxData("<{0}:ShowPdf runat=server></{0}:ShowPdf>")] public class ShowPdf : WebControl { #region "Declarations" //Geovin Du 塗聚文 20131010 private st…
install-package PdfSharp -v 1.51.5185-beta using System; using PdfSharp.Pdf; using System.IO; using PdfSharp.Pdf.IO; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace ConsoleApp2 { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { string rawPdfFile = @"C:\…
参考:史上最强php生成pdf文件,html转pdf文件方法 指定页面显示或者因此header和footer wkhtmltopdf "" --header-html "D:\htmlToPDFAp…
OpenCASCADE Data Exchange - 3D PDF Abstract. Today most 3D engineering model data are save to 3D PDF files. Universal 3D(U3D) along side Product Representation Compact(PRC), U3D is the historical foundation used to embed 3D interactive…
PDF文件介绍 PDF(Portable Document Format )文件源于20世纪90年代初期,如今早已成为了一种最流行的的文件格式之一.因为PDF文件有很多优点: 支持跨平台和跨设备共享 可以通过密码保护方式来阻止复制和编辑 将各种文本文档.图片.音频.三维地图等合并为一个PDF文件时,依然可以完好的保存所有的源文件信息等 因此,有些时候为了方便共享文件,你可能需要把其他格式的文件如Word,Excel以及 PowerPoint文件转换为PDF格式.本文将向你介绍如何使用Spire.…
“Is there any way to view PDF files in a Winforms tool?” 这个是我在技术论坛上发现的一个老外求助的帖子,然后看到别人回复的帖子中建议了一个免费的Spire.PDFViewer组件,一看是免费的心里不由地对它有点感兴趣想想正好闲来没事做不如先测试一下这个组件,说不定以后能用到.就这样我访问了它的超链接 (…