Two analytical 2d line intersection in OpenCASCADE Abstract. OpenCASCADE geometric tools provide algorithms to calculate the intersection of two 2d curves, surfaces, or a 3d curve and a surface. Those are the basis of the Boolean Operat…
Intersection between a 2d line and a conic in OpenCASCADE Abstract. OpenCASCADE provides the algorithm to implementation of the analytical intersection between a 2d line and another conic curve. The conic is defined by its implicit quad…
Change Line Type in OpenCascade 关键字KeyWords:OpenCascade,Line Aspect, Line Type 在OpenCascade的显示模块中,可以设置线型.消隐方式和离散精度等属性.这些属性都是在AIS_Drawer中设置. AIS_Drawer类就是用来管理显示属性的.可以设置如下显示属性: void  SetLineAspect (const Handle< Prs3d_LineAspect > &a…
7.3 Given two lines on a Cartesian plane, determine whether the two lines would intersect. 这道题说是在笛卡尔坐标系中,让我们确定两条直线是否相交. 那么我们首先要写个直线的类来表示直线,最常见的表示方法为y=kx+b,k为斜率,b为与y轴的交点,然后我们来考虑什么情况下两条直线会相交,首先,如果两条直线完全重合的话,应该也算是相交的,其次如果两条直线不平行的话,那么也是相交的,那么我们判断相交条件主要基于…
Intersection between 2d conic in OpenCASCADE Abstract. OpenCASCADE provides the algorithm to implement of the intersection between two 2d conic curve. The conic is defined by its implicit quadaratic equation, so the intersection problem…
OpenCASCADE Coordinate Transforms Abstract. The purpose of the OpenGL graphics processing pipeline is to convert 3D descriptions of objects into a 2D image that can be displayed. In many ways, this process is similar to using a camera t…
7.6 Given a two-dimensional graph with points on it, find a line which passes the most number of points. 这道题给了我们许多点,让我们求经过最多点的一条直线.给之前那道7.5 A Line Cut Two Squares in Half 平均分割两个正方形的直线一样,都需要自己写出点类和直线类.在直线类中,我用我们用斜率和截距来表示直线,为了应对斜率不存在情况,我们还需用一个flag来标记是否…
Chapter 1. Arrays and Strings 1.1 Unique Characters of a String 1.2 Reverse String 1.3 Permutation String 1.4 Replace Spaces 1.5 Compress String 1.6 Rotate Image 1.7 Set Matrix Zeroes 1.8 String Rotation Chapter 2. Linked Lists 2.1 Remove Duplicates…
Computer Graphics Research Software Helping you avoid re-inventing the wheel since 2009! Last updated December 5, 2012.Try searching this page for keywords like 'segmentation' or 'PLY'.If you would like to contribute links, please e-mail them to rms@…
由于我的极差记忆力,我打算把这个破玩意先记下来.因为以后会有改动(Delaunay三角网生成算法),我不想把一个好的东西改坏了... 好吧-- 凸包生成算法,: 1.先在指定的宽(width)高(height)范围内生成一堆随机点:   1.1. 生成N个不重复的正整数,使用洗牌算法让生成的数字不重复:   1.2. 将每个数字分解成坐标.可以设想一个二维数组,每个数字依次填进数组内.那么,对于数字A来说,它能够生成的坐标则为: x = A % width; y = (A% width== 0)…