The RESTful API consists of two main concepts: Resource, and Representation. Resource can be any object associated with data, or identified with a URI (more than one…
UPDATE: This post has been expanded upon and converted into an eBook. Good API design is hard! An API represents a contract between you and those who Consume your data. Breaking this contract will result in many angry emails, and a slew of sad users…
RESTful API Design: 13 Best Practices to Make Your Users Happy First step to the RESTful way: make sure errors don't come back as 200 OK. Architect at work. Daniel McCullough, Web services have been around for as long as the HTTP protoco…
说在前面,这篇文章是无意中发现的,因为感觉写的很好,所以翻译了一下.由于英文水平有限,难免有出错的地方,请看官理解一下.翻译和校正文章花了我大约2周的业余时间,如有人愿意转载请注明出处,谢谢^_^ Principles of good RESTful API Design 好RESTful API的设计原则 Good API design is hard! An API represents a contract between you and those who Consume your da…
好RESTful API的设计原则 说在前面,这篇文章是无意中发现的,因为感觉写的很好,所以翻译了一下.由于英文水平有限,难免有出错的地方,请看官理解一下.翻译和校正文章花了我大约2周的业余时间,如有人愿意转载请注明出处,谢谢^_^ Principles of good RESTful API Design 好RESTful API的设计原则 Good API design is hard! An API represents a contract between you and those…
转载自一位大佬 英文原版 Principles of good RESTful API Design Good API design is hard! An API represents a contract between you and those who Consume your data. Breaking this contract will result in many angry emails, and a slew of sad users with mobile apps wh…