发现MySQL服务器因系统磁盘写满导致服务停了,清理磁盘后启动服务时无法正常启动,查看localhost.err日志发现如下报错: [ERROR] Unix socket lock file is empty /tmp/mysql.sock.lock 解决: 查看该文件发现确实是空文件,删除该文件后再启动服务已经可以正常启动.参考链接 https://blog.csdn.net/qq_36183569/article/details/83022519 总结: mysql.sock.lock是可读…
Error -26488: Could not obtain information about submitted file "E:\.jpg": _stat32 rc=-1, errno=2 [No such file or directory]. Using an empty file 解决方法: 1.先执行一次场景,让其报错,主要是为了创建完整的C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\brr_WJy.395目录下的子目录和文件 2.在…
2014-04-16 17:35:30 ISE MAP报错: Unsupported programming for BSCAN block and JTAG_CHAIN attribute value 1 具体报错信息如下: PhysDesignRules:1683 - Unsupported programming for BSCAN block and JTAG_CHAIN attribute value 1. The BSCAN   component disp_emif_for_fee…
想要利用Hexo搭建一个博客,但是安装时npm一直报错,不仅仅是Hexo包,连别的其他包也不行,会提示下面的一堆错误 npm WARN onload-script failed to require onload script npm-autoinit/autoinit npm WARN onload-script failed to require onload script npm-autoinit/autoinit npm WARN onload-script Error: Cannot…
报错提示如下: XMLHttpRequest cannot load http://www.xxxx.com/264/Data/GetScreenInfo. No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'null' is therefore not allowed access. 今天需要做一个本地测试,html中的js效果涉及跨域拉取数据的问题,Chrome报错并拒绝数…
安装SQL Server 2008 R2报错“此计算机上安装了 Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 的早期版本,请在安装 SQL Server 2008 前将 VS2008 升级到 SP1“. 解决方法: 32位操作系统: 打开注册表,将  HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Microsoft/DevDiv 重命名 64位系统: 将  HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Wow6432Node/Microsoft/DevDiv 重命…
npm ERR! path E:\SouthernPowerGridProject\web_project\AutoOPS\autoops\node_modules\fsevents\node_modules\dashdash\node_modulesnpm ERR! code EPERMnpm ERR! errno -4048npm ERR! syscall scandirnpm ERR! Error: EPERM: operation not permitted, scandir 'E:\S…
1. git pull origin master --allow-unrelated-histories 2.git pull origin master 3.git init 4.git remote add origin ssh://git@git.limikeji.com:10022/yanhui/webweb.git (可忽略) 5.git add . 6.git commit -m 'testst' 7.git push -u origin master…
Linux环境下,启动tomcat报出如题的警告信息,虽然对系统正常使用没有多大影响,但是会导致tomcat的日志垃圾信息很多,而且看起来很不爽... 具体的警告信息如下: Jan , :: PM java.util.prefs.FileSystemPreferences checkLockFile0ErrorCode WARNING: Could not . Jan , :: PM java.util.prefs.FileSystemPreferences checkLockFile0Erro…
2013-12-31 14:22:28 [ERROR] [ContextLoader.java->initWebApplicationContext(220) Context initialization failedorg.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'mapScheduler' defined in ServletContext resource [/WE…