Spring Boot (#1 quick start)】的更多相关文章

Spring Boot (#1 quick start) 官方文档 Spring Boot是为了简化Spring应用的创建.运行.调试.部署等而出现的,使用它可以做到专注于Spring应用的开发,而无需过多关注XML的配置. 简单来说,它提供了一堆依赖打包,并已经按照使用习惯解决了依赖问题---习惯大于约定. Spring Boot默认使用tomcat作为服务器,使用logback提供日志记录. Spring Boot提供了一系列的依赖包,所以需要构建工具的支持:maven 或 gradle S…
Quick Start 1. Spring Boot Admin是干什么的? 用来监控Spring Boot项目,可以通过Spring Boot Admin Client(via Http) 或者 使用Spring Cloud(例如:eureka,Consul)将项目注册到Spring Boot Admin进行管理 2. 通过Spring Boot Admin Client注册client application 2.1 Spring Boot Admin Server应用程序 2.1.1 依赖…
Controller: Code below shows a basic Controller to handle GET, POST; DELETE, PUT requests. package hello.controller; import hello.model.Shipwreck; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController; import org.springframework.web.bind.anno…
https://piotrminkowski.wordpress.com/2018/04/26/quick-guide-to-microservices-with-spring-boot-2-0-eureka-and-spring-cloud/ github源码:https://github.com/bigben0123/sample-spring-microservices-new There are many articles on my blog about microservices w…
原文地址:http://www.journaldev.com/7989/key-components-and-internals-of-spring-boot-framework In my previous post “Introduction to Spring Boot”, we have discussed about Spring Boot basics. Now we will discuss about “What are the main components of Spring…
Rest接口对应Swagger Specification路径获取办法: 根据location的值获取api   json描述文件 也许有同学会问,为什么搞的这么麻烦,api json描述文件不就是http://domain:port/v2/api-docs获取的么. 因为如果使用group,api json描述文件就不是上面的情况哦 https://github.com/springfox/springfox-demos/tree/master/boot-swagger 再小结一下swagge…
Spring-boot-enable-ssl Enable HTTPS in Spring Boot APRIL 14, 2015DRISS AMRI This weekend I answered a question about enabling HTTPS in JHipster onstackoverflow that caught a lot of interest on Twitter so I decided to put a short post on it with some…
转自:https://dzone.com/articles/spring-boot-memory-performance It has sometimes been suggested that Spring and Spring Boot are “heavyweight”, perhaps just because they allow apps to punch above their weight, providing a lot of features for not very muc…
二.实践 一些说明: 项目IDE采用Intellij(主要原因在于Intellij颜值完爆Eclipse,谁叫这是一个看脸的时代) 工程依赖管理采用个人比较熟悉的Maven(事实上SpringBoot与Groovy才是天生一对) 1.预览: (1)github地址 https://github.com/djmpink/springboot-mybatis git :  https://github.com/djmpink/springboot-mybatis.git (2)完整项目结构 (3)数…
The Performance Zone is brought to you in partnership with New Relic. Quickly learn how to use Docker and containers in general to create packaged images for easy management, testing, and deployment of software. It has sometimes been suggested that S…