Android开发中的问题总是多种多样,今天我来总结一个浪费了我一个晚上的错误T-T:your project contains error(s),please fix them before running your application. 总结一下网上的各种处理办法: 1.重启Eclipse(大部分网友都是这样就莫名其妙的好了...): 2.debug的keystore默认有效期为一年,如果你是从一年前开始开发 android程序,那么很可能出现debug keystor…
原文地址: Android笔记:解决 Your project contains error(s),please fix them before running your application问题 - Mars2639--求知de路上 - 博客频道 - CSDN.NET 解决 Your project contains error(s),please fix them before…
文章来自于: 今天上午一打开eclipse编译工程,忽然爆出 “your project contains error s please fix them before running your app…
解决 Your project contains error(s),please fix them before running your application问题 貌似好多人都有遇到这问题,而且网上也有各种各样的解决办法,但是,你是否用尽了也没能解决你的问题呢? 别急,我们先来看下各位前辈的解决办法: 1.网上查询最多的是:project--clean 2.在项目列表里删除该项目,再导入 3.删除R.java文件然后自动重建 4.升级ADT到最新版本5.重启eclipse6.重新安装ecli…
1. find the target process id of your java app jps [-lm] in my case: [lenmom@Mi- bin]$ jps -l org.apache.flume.node.Application and I wana to find the location of flume app in localmachi…
This post would look into how to tackle and debug issues in scenarios where they only occur in production (or other remote environment) but not in development environment. As anybody who has been in this kind of situation would acknowledge, trying to…
Lesson: The "Hello World!" Application The sections listed below provide detailed instructions for compiling and running a simple "Hello World!" application. The first section provides information on getting started with the NetBeans I…
Debugging Java Applications with NetBeans from: Netbeans provides an easy environment for debugging or troubleshooting your Java applications. With netbeans…
ORA-600 [Kcbz_check_objd_typ_1] Running a Job (Doc ID 785899.1) To Bottom In this Document Symptoms Cause Solution References This document is being delivered to you via Oracle Support's Rapid Visibility (RaV) process and therefore has not be…